Saint Danskermark Character in Miand'Mésvéstell | World Anvil

Saint Danskermark

Saint Danskermark Scandiva


Saint Danskermark is an Anishan who primarily can be found in the Denmarel District in the Scandiva Cericor Region in Varldstan Cericor.
Some faint debates are still on-going on whether he actually exists. Or that he is merely high positioned member within the District's inner circle or a possible figurehead whose physical traits have been molded by Corporialists.  
— Mythical Individuals.
Saint Danskermark.


Most who have met him, have done so in the Denmarel District and every one of them agrees that he is quite an attractive man, with snow-white, short-cropped hair and grey-blue calculating eyes. Similar to his so-called Scandivan Siblings, he is dressed in a festival clothing though in the colors of red and white. From time to time, he might also carry a heavy ceremonial sword with a large crossguard.  
— Mythical Individuals.
Saint Danskermark.


Personality-wise, Danskermark is rather reserved in nature, at the very least towards strangers. But that does not mean he is mean towards those he meets; quite the opposite in fact. Do not expect that he will pay you some Fika though, not unless you become a close friend of his. Though then he might instead take you to a bar for a good drink. There you might experience his dry humor, though you should be careful when you mention his Sister, Saint Svenskia, when he is nearby, as, depending on the context, he might grow cautious towards you.  
— Mythical Individuals.
Saint Danskermark.


Danskermark is a very capable diplomat when he puts his focus on it and knows when to tread carefully to get the best outcomes from different people.
He is also noted to have something of a green thumb, as he overlooks many of the District's gardens and lush trees. It is said that, give him a dying flower in a pot, and within a day it will be as alive and well as ever.  
— Mythical Individuals.
Saint Danskermark.


Zeno Maer

The ceremonial sword that Danskermark sometimes carries is believed by many to be a Divine Artifact, supposedly created from a material he himself calls Autocontium, which has properties eerily similar to Saint Svenskia's Kopyrigt-Volnium, such as being indestructible. Beyond that, it has also been seen as being capable of producing winds strong enough to flatten buildings.  
— Mythical Individuals.
Saint Danskermark.


Saint Danskermark

Friend | Sibling (Vital)

Towards Saint Svenskia



Saint Svenskia

Friend | Sibling (Vital)

Towards Saint Danskermark



Relationship Reasoning

Many would describe the relationship between Saint Danskermark and Saint Svenskia as a sibling rivalry. And they themselves would very much agree. They have no problem talking bad of each other, but if anyone else would badmouth one or the other, problems would arise real quick for the one who had uttered the poorly chosen words. And while it might appear to strangers that they hate each other, more familiar people will see it for that it really is.

Connected to
Denmarel District
Cericor Region of Scandiva
His Tenants
Current Location
Saint Svenskia (Friend | Sibling)
Snow white | Cropped short.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair, white skin.
169 cm.
95 kilograms.


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