Session 7: That Post Genocidal Glow Report Report in Meterra | World Anvil
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Session 7: That Post Genocidal Glow Report

General Summary

Vasool Returned

  • As the party made their way through the camp, they found Vasool.
  • He did not seem to approve of the fact that they wanted to execute Marigold.
  • He told them that he had command and would form his own view on matters.
  • He also told them that they were in charge of the camp and area as the White Wolves had all headed West to deal with some kind of impending threat over there.
  • He told them about 2 possible missions:
  • Deal with the Sharp Tooth Reavers (which would need 2 squads)
  • Deal with shapechangers who had appeared with ill intent (which would need all 3 squads).
  • He then went elsewhere with Braaz and Idrel.

Saving Hildegund

  • The party then went their separate ways, with Miadi taking the time to find various cast off items around the camp, and Tarvy going to find out more about these missions.
  • The rest of the party were asked by Josmul, Fight and Flight to help Hildegund who had taken a turn for the worse.
  • They decided to help Ogsel remove the Vegepygmies which seemed to be growing out of her legs. She can, for the time being, no longer walk, but she may well recover in time.

The Tears of the Crone

  • That night, the party, having been made aware of Miadi’s nocturnal perambulations, made sure to keep track of him and deal with the issue.
  • They snuck after him and entered the temple to find all those who had been affected by the black ooze gathered around the statue of the Crone, her pupil-less eyes weeping the stuff which Miadi was intent on feeding to the congregation.
  • They broke up the gathering, calling Nephi to help, and eventually smashed the statue in its entirety.
  • They then tried to ascertain exactly what had happened before heading to bed.

Next Moves

  • The next morning they awoke and asked Vasool to help cure those people who had been so afflicted.
  • They also, after much discussion, made the decision to travel to the Sharp Tooth Reaver camp and deal with them along with the Heartbreak Quintet. Leaving Braaz and Vasool at the camp as well as the Shag Pile.
  • The location of the camp had been extracted by combination of Mrs Bucketlump and Fight & Flight.
The Fulcrum
Report Date
02 May 2020

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