Session 53: The Taint Follows, Even Here! Report Report in Meterra | World Anvil
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Session 53: The Taint Follows, Even Here! Report

General Summary

Debriefing the Pilgrimage

Those three groups who had managed to reach the city were welcomed into the Giant's halls, where they were each debriefed.   Each group had to make it clear whether or not they were worthy of meeting with the Ancestors. Thanks to the party's success along the way, as well as their ultimate victory, they were clear favourites for who should meet with the Ancestors first.   After discussions, however, during which Daanea accused them of cheating (and revealed some sort of amulet), the Elders asked them all to leave for the evening and rest. A decision would be made at the following midday.   The party found their rest in the Hall of Heroes, a beautiful inn which catered for customers both large and small.   Within the inn, Thrack saw his brother and excused himself.   That night, however, as most of the party slept as though dead, Thrack heard someone sneaking around outside their room. Emerging he saw Daanea leaving the inn and heading outside somewhere. Informing Tarvy of this, the latter followed her, pulling the shadows in around him as he went.   As he followed, he eventually saw her, on the edge of town between rocks, apparently talking to someone or something. From the distance he could not hear what was being said though. He attempted to sneak closer but slipped, splashing into the river he was trying to cross. Daanea's head whipped around and the figure she was talking to dissolved into shadow within her necklace.   After a brief confrontation, Tarvy was able to seize the amulet (though it burned his hand to do so) and, glancing down at it, he saw an eye twitching within the ruby at its centre, an eye which focused on him and narrowed in fury as it did.   Daanea, despite valiantly trying was unable to get the amulet back, and fled into morning air.   Tarvy returned to the party's chambers and kept watch for what little remained of their rest.  

The Truth about Daanea

As the party awoke, and Tarvy explained what had happened, they agreed to identify the item.   It was an item holding a spirit, a powerful, malevolent spirit, ancient and devious, loyal to the Crone. While the spell was not able to give a name, it was likely one of the 12 Vipers, the orignal followers of Lord Tehtlu who had long since vanished.   This discovered, they had breakfast and spoke with the other members of Daanea's troop, the 2 who were left. One seemed genuinely keen to bring power to the Giant race, while the other was more distant, aloof and unwilling to speak with them.   Midday came, and all of the groups returned to the hall of the Giants.   After further discussion, Daanea was subjected to a Zone of Truth cast by the Cloud Giantess and forced to speak her reasons for doing what she did, the goal being to bring power to the giants and release this spirit amongst them, thus giving them new purpose.   This said, the Storm Giant Elder pronounced the sentence, death to her (immediately carried out) and banishment to the rest, though the party were able to persuade him to further examine the one suspicious one with them.   One goliath was therefore banished, while the other taken away for interrogation.   The giants also took the amulet away from the party, promising to keep it safe somewhere out of the sight of the Crone's denizens.  

Making a Delivery

This done, the elders informed the party that they could stay in the city as long as they need, food and board would be paid for them as would any other mundane needs they have.   In addition, they would be given access to the ancestors to speak with them, as the elders were only responsible for stable governance and the ancestors guided grand strategy of the nation.   The party then went about their business for the remainder of the day, making the delivery of Ancestors' Draught, which is what they had been carrying, to Overseer Agadok and his acolytes, as well as getting some aid for their injuries.   Over the course of the next few days, they got to know the group of Giantkin from Rashana, representing each of the 6 types of giant but in goliath form - closer interbreeding was much more common there - and came to understand a bit more clearly that, while they had come here on a sort of pilgrimage, they were also adventurers and explorers, hunting for excitement and glory of their own.   While they would not agree to being direct subjects of the Fulcrum, they did agree to being associated with them, and would gladly help in finding out what was going on and spreading the name and doing good throughout the land.   This alliance established, the party spent the next few days relaxing, resting and regaining their strength for whatever was to come.     Next Session Start: The party stands before the passage carved through the base of a mountain, large enough for a Storm Giant to walk through, carved in intricate swirling patterns and designs. On the other side they can see a monumental structure with six huge towers surrounding an immense central chamber. They are ready to meet with the Ancestors.
The Fulcrum
Blaize Morreghan
Report Date
03 May 2020

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