Session 45: It's Bye Noon Report Report in Meterra | World Anvil
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Session 45: It's Bye Noon Report

General Summary

Noon's Goodnight

The party engaged Noon and his 6 Mezzoloth guards. This proved to be a challenging fight, with the guards spewing cloudkill and darkness across almost the entire battlefield. After several rounds, the party had done very little damage to them, but had managed to cause significant damage to Noon. They had also taken significant wounds themselves, with Gortan being particularly badly afflicted by the toxic gas spewed forth.   The fight continued and was not going in the party's favour, their only hope, they thought, was to kill Noon and thus end the contract he had with the Mezzoloths. Blaize waded into the skin burning clouds, and found him cowering in the back of the tent. After shooting him once more, Noon attempted to stun him and, when that failed, knelt down and begged for his life.   Blaize showed no mercy, and shot him, the bullet going straight through Noon's skull.   They rummaged through the tent and found a large amount of gold as well as some interesting magical loot.

After Noon – The Auction

Noon having been dealt with, the Party then decided to hold the auction that was supposed to happen anyway. Hallaster disguised himself as Noon, and Tarvy opted, as the only Infernal speaker, to translate for him.   After some bids from various denizens of the Burning Halls, the Tiefling visitors approached, led by Karaxos Iakovou.   The party invited him into the tent along with a Devil, Demon and Yugoloth who were all interested in purchasing the slaves.

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot (Again)

After inviting them inside, the party took a few more bids before deciding on a course of action. They asked the other bidders to leave and then Tarvy and Hal played another game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, and Hal threw the dead body of Noon out in front of the assembled Tieflings.     Next Session Start: The party are standing in Noon's tent, and have just thrown Noon's dead body out in front of the Tieflings. Karaxos' eyes grow dark and black shadows ripple around his hands as the remaining Tieflings gather behind him. ROLL INITIATIVE.
The Fulcrum
Blaize Morreghan
Report Date
03 May 2020

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