Session 34: A Meeting of Minds Report Report in Meterra | World Anvil
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Session 34: A Meeting of Minds Report

General Summary

A Dark Encounter

After taking some time to prepare and brief their troops, the party set off from Castle Sunder for Colman's Farm. The Forest Rangers having been sent off in advance to scout the area and the Slowpass Boys brought along for heavy hitting support if necessary.   The destination was not far, around a day's ride, and they made good time. As they approached through a final, thick patch of wood, they encountered something they did not expect.   Emerging from the woods were a group of small, silent goblin-like creatures wearing dark hoods and wielding daggers. Their leader looked towards Hal and saying ""You, Mortal, have sullied our bonds and your own. Our masters requires you cease. Forever." They then attacked without any further warning.   The party were able to make short work of the group, including their large, human-faced dog which was distressing to look at. The bodies of the cloaked features disappeared as they fell.   The group were able to capture one before it fled, and it gave them little, with a limited grasp of common, Hal spoke to it in Sylvan and asked it where it came from while probing its mind. They gathered it came from somewhere else, and that there may have been some Elvish association, however, it became clear that this creature knew little save that Hal was its target. They then killed the creature, which then disappeared like its comrades.   The party now had a clear route to Colman's farm, which they could see, ahead, a barn and farmhouse surrounded by a light palisade with fields of cattle and crops all around. There were also mounted knights moving around the farm in a wide sweep.

Meeting the Man and his Minions

The party approached and were invited to treat by one of the nights. The Slowpass Boys and knights remained outside but in shouting distance. Within the yard was a small tent above a table. On the other side of the table were 3 chairs, the on in the centre larger and heavier made.   Emerging from the barn came an elderly man wearing the typical vestments of the Father in Judgement, a breastplate as well as a similar bull's head amulet much as Tarvy used to wear. He invited them to take a seat, laying out chairs for Gortan and Tarvy, and leaving Hal, Blaise and Rukk (who was in the form of a horse) without.   He went to get the others to fill the 3 chairs on the other side of the table.   While he was doing this, Hal took one of the chairs from the other side and sat down on it.   The first to emerge was Kate Advizod, the Vedalken wizard who the party had previously encountered in Carderby itself. It was her who had sent them to Hogsfeet in the first place.   She sat quietly waiting for the others to join her. After her, Keller returned, and, noting that Hal had stolen his chair gave the briefest look of loathing before requesting another for himself and standing behind it, licking his lips with a greyish tongue.   After a couple more awkward minutes, Gauvain emerged, a tall, strong man in his mid-to-late forties, wearing heavy armour even in the warmth of the fast approaching summer evening.   He sat heavily down in his chair and the two sides then launched into a long discussion on what was going to happen next.   Many questions were asked about Hugo Carderby, with Gauvain insisting he would do the needful in order to protect himself, describing himself as a survivor. Cate was of the view he should go into exile, as a young boy there was no reason to punish him for crimes he didn't commit. Keller was the most forthright, stating the boy should be killed, both as he is inconvenient and because he is utterly impure.   The party did try to deceive them, however, a zone of truth was cast by Keller and weasel words were needed to avoid revealing what they knew.   In terms of the Fulcrum, Gauvain did say he was willing to be a powerful ally and, should they assist him, he would be happy to help them become established. Keller made increasingly hostile threats towards the group when they would not give the information he clearly wanted to hear.   Eventually Gauvain sent Keller away from the table for a moment (to get a map), and gave them a clue that all was not exactly right in Carderby, and that he was not the main thing they should worry about, that Keller was a potentially greater concern, but he would do what was necessary to make sure that he survived.   The party agreed to look into the problem and try to find out where Hugo was , reporting back on their findings one month from that day on 8 Mercor, by which time it was implied that they best have news or that meeting might not go so well.

Return to Sunder

After this, the party left, as quickly as they could, and made plans for what to do with Hugo. Tarvy suggested they go to a sanctuary to the Father run by a friend he knew in the Godrun Union. At this stage there were no other suggestions so they made preparations to set out.   Tarvy told Hugo who was a bit upset by having to leave, but seemed to understand what Tarvy was saying. After his training for the evening he went to bed.   The plan, therefore, was for the party to set out, with Hugo, the following day.
The Fulcrum
Blaize Morreghan
Report Date
03 May 2020

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