Session 26: Time, it goes down Report Report in Meterra | World Anvil
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Session 26: Time, it goes down Report

General Summary

This session was primarily based around downtime activities for the group. It was also fairly brief owing to various absences and illnesses.   Various activities took place:
  • Tarvy chose himself a demon to summon later, and got to know Koba Kaze a bit better.
  • Hallaster visited the Capacitor, a kobold run shop/factory which appeared to specialise in new body parts. He requisitioned a new Converter for Vitt's warforged (An Average Envoy build).
  • Hallaster also purchased a few spell scrolls and ink and papers
  • Bholin went hunting in the Sewers with Shag, and they found some weird mouths with legs eating a body of an undead.
  • The base was visited by Wretch, an undead elf of...long years, who has broken free of Tobias Beel's control. He did not seek war, he only sought freedom for his undead brothers, preferring not to be called their leader. The party was disinclined to get particularly involved. They did agree to speak to the Jib on Wretch's behalf, that they could have the bodies which he had no use for.
  • Shortly after this the group were visited by a journalist, Vee Amalric, an elderly male bugbear from the Calvetian Monitor (Analogous to, perhaps, the Daily Mail). He asked various questions but seemed to have his own agenda and didn't seem that favourable towards the White Wolves.
  • Tarvy and Hallaster then made their way to see the Jib and discuss various things, including Wretch's proposition.
There is currently 1 day remaining on the downtime. This should be finished in the early part of the next session.
The Fulcrum
Blaize Morreghan
Report Date
03 May 2020

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