Session 24: Chainbroken Report Report in Meterra | World Anvil
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Session 24: Chainbroken Report

General Summary

The party, in the basement of the Hope's Hold, the tavern they've been holding out in for the last 4 days.   Having been contacted by The Stepmother they decided to make good on her offer and began to make their way towards the Palace.   As they got close they found a pool in the floor with spiny tentacles emerging from it. This turned out to be a hungry Otyugh, a beast living on garbage, dead bodies and effluent. Bholin was immediately smitten.   Avoiding conflict with the creature the party, they made their way to the entrance where they found the Stepmother waiting for them. She showed them up to the Chainforged's Chambers.   The Chainforged emerged from his bedroom and it emerged that this had been a trap to lure the party in and that the Stepmother had betrayed them.   The Stepmother dragged the bound friends of Cash from within the bedroom where they had been kept prisoner.   A fight then took place, in which the Stepmother dithered, before aiding the party in defeating the Chainforged and his pet Spectator.   As the fight concluded, Bholin turned to the Stepmother, attempting to seize her for an explanation. She then teleported out of the room and away.   The group then broke into the large vault adjoining the office space and were able to seize a number of magic items, including Hal's box of tricks.   Before too much time past, they took their leave, leaving huge mountains of treasure in the vault.   They did not manage to leave unnoticed, but through clever disguise escaped into the sewer without further incident, however, the Red Hand seemed to have been sent into a panic, teams were searching through the Sewer.   Cash, Nix and Trel made their farewells and escaped through the sewer, heading back to a Chevalier safe house.   The party were, however, able to find the Jib (the Oblex) which was willing to help them hide while Bholin resurrected the Chainforged, who, as the episode ended, had just opened his eyes.
The Fulcrum
Blaize Morreghan
Report Date
03 May 2020

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