Session 22: Curiosity and New Allies Report Report in Meterra | World Anvil
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Session 22: Curiosity and New Allies Report

General Summary

The Debrief

Upon finding the head of the last true White Wolf, Finyas, in a box Regulators [Is that what we’re calling them now?] were briefed on what had happened. There was some disquiet but most people were fine, and agreed to keep everyone as safe as they could.

New Friends

Cash meanwhile had encountered a tall Vedalken wandering the streets nearby, confused and looking for help. He agreed to introduce him to those fighting against the Red Hand in the city.   The group were introduced to Hallaster and agreed to help him find his large chest the Red Hand had stolen.   The group set off towards the place it had been stolen, and, at the place found no sign of it. At the nearby coffee shop, they saw a tall figure talking with Migs, the goblin owner. Bholin, upon hearing the group talking animatedly in the street outside came out, informing them that he might be able to help.   The group followed the trail of the thieves with Bholin’s help and eventually emerged by what looked like a general store and warehouse.

Intelligence Gathering

Gortan managed to establish that it was no longer there, and so the party decided to pay a visit to the Fixer.   During their meeting they established the location of The Palace as well as the Death House. They scouted it, using Hallaster’s Bat. Not much was happening Cash proceeded to stake this out while the others ran some errands (there was also a scene with some sandwiches but Bholin doesn’t like to talk about it).   The group reconvened and agreed to return to the Hope’s Hold, however, on their way back they had an encounter with a Red Hand, or not a Red Hand, who disappeared, having been an illusion controlled by an entity living in the Sewer.   They were about to engage it, but, after seemingly taking Gortan’s mind, it suggested they talk as they may have something to offer each other.
The Fulcrum
Blaize Morreghan
Report Date
03 May 2020

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