Session 19: Of Old Friends and New Report Report in Meterra | World Anvil
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Session 19: Of Old Friends and New Report

General Summary

Rukk’s Reunion

As the bulk of the group were off picking fights in the market, Rukk was visiting his old friend, Torthran, at the Tower of Nature, where he had become “Father Nature”. He said that he would look into any kidnappings and keep his ears peeled for any signs of Rukk’s children. After this meeting, Rukk rejoined the others at the tower of the undying.

A Conversation with a Lich

The party met with Tobias Beel, a congenial Lich, and master of the Tower of the Undying explained the situation to them, that it was not only bodies going missing, but it appeared that some of the Undead were going rogue, and escaping his reach. Most in particular was Wretch, a ghoulish manservant, who had disappeared not long before. He asked that they look into this at the same time as finding out what had happened to the bodies. He also explained that there were a few suppliers of bodies who they might wish to speak to, Evangeline at the Slaughtered Lamb and The Merriweathers on their huge black stallions.

The Fixer

The party decided to track down Evangeline and headed to The Slaughtered Lamb, a rough looking tavern in the Lower City. They found a toned, tough looking, dark haired elven woman waiting working behind the bar. She gave the party short shrift but eventually escorted them down into the cellar where apparently the Fixer was to be found.   The Fixer, seated in the centre of a small, low ceilinged room crowded with his associates, greeted them and after some conversation informed them that Ogsel was dead, and that if they wanted to get on his good side they had best hit a brothel, the Easy Rider on Easy Street to prove their worth. They should also leave the bodies in the brothel as a message to the Red Hands.   The party scouted out the place before heading home to plan an approach. On their way they found Vitt attempting to get something out of a pile of rubbish in the sewer. Thrack helped him pull out a humanoid sized metal man, seemingly badly damaged but largely intact, as Vitt excitedly babbled about how he has been interested in this field for a long while.
The Fulcrum
Blaize Morreghan
Report Date
03 May 2020

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