Session 16: Welcome to the City of Towers Report Report in Meterra | World Anvil
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Session 16: Welcome to the City of Towers Report

General Summary

The Council Meeting

After reporting to the council exactly what had happened to them, a discussion followed of what to do with the party. Eventually it came down to two options:
  • Kick out the party and those who travel with them as divisive, begging malcontents, or
  • Allow them to stay in the city pending an investigation of what went on.
The council then proceeded to vote on the issue, with the first 8 to vote being split down the middle.   Abelard broke the deadlock and allowed them to stay, stating that they should probably try to do some good and generate goodwill around the city while they are in it.   They all went their separate ways, with Daisy suggesting that they speak to Tobias (whoever he might be) and Melodie and Koba recommending they visit them in their towers.   The meeting concluded, Koba showed them to the lift.   They were escorted back down to the ship as the rest of the survivors disembarked. Ferloch said he would be down at the Tower of Invention, apparently where his typical berth was in the city.  

The City

You were then escorted down through the Guettour, down and down and down into the bowels of the city, the lower city, a gloomy place, though still lively, with creatures of all sorts of races living down here what seemed to be relative poverty compared to what you had seen from above.   The guards escorted you through to the base of the Conjuration tower, where Koba had arranged space for you, and met Grung the owner of the Hope’s Hand, a squalid garrett.   The group of you publicised that the White Wolves were murderers (due to the whole grung issue), and rumour appears to have spread across the city.   Before going to sleep, Tarvy went in search of access to Koba who said he may have more to tell them.   Tarvy found his way, escorted by an Imp called Spit, and met with Koba who informed him that he sought to help the White Wolves, and that this new start could be an opportunity should they wish to take it. He was willing to help in exchange for them helping him become head of the council and have them take a more active role in domestic and international politics.   The following day the party left their garrett, and, with the guidance of Adra Tinari, a Simic Hybrid and part of the Chevaliers, found their way across the city. She advised they travel underground by the river as they are not popular with many thanks to their rumoured misdeeds, as well as the Red Hands who feel like they might be muscling in on their turf.   They were attacked in the tunnels by a group of Red Hands but made easy work of them, not killing any and sending them all fleeing in terror.   The party then made their way up to meet Melodie who was waiting for them. She informed them that the lower city was essentially controlled by the Red Hand and they would not really have peace down there until they were dealt with.   She also informed them that, should they decide to reignite the flame that is the White Wolves there are worse places to start than Bassonne, which is the most cosmopolitan city on the continent with relatively easy access to all sorts of nations and cities. The issue of neutrality could probably be dealt with, she believed.   For now she recommended speaking to the masters of the lower towers, both to help with allies and to help generate funds which they will surely need.
The Fulcrum
Blaize Morreghan
Report Date
03 May 2020

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