Session 10: The Elephant in the Room Report Report in Meterra | World Anvil
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Session 10: The Elephant in the Room Report

General Summary

Debrief on the Reavers/Update in camp

  • The party, having returned to camp with:
  • The Heartbreak Quintet
  • Acseytan, 3 males and 3 other female worgs, 20 puppies.
  • Braaz explained that Vasool had left with the whole Shag Pile (including Merdon and Marigold).
  • The party spent the rest of evening in camp catching up on what was going on and making sure everything was taken care of:
  • Thrack drew a picture of a Loxodon, and then found his old sheets to enable a worg to track him.
  • Tarvy arranged for Zartagar (the Minotaur) to be released to help guard the camp with Idrel who was training young Harry Bucketlump.
  • Gortan introduced the Chef to the worg puppies and dissuaded him from stealing one.
  • Miadi found some more rubbish in the courtyard and tried to encourage use of his noticeboard.
  • They made the decision to set off the following day [and levelled up overnight].

Vittch button did I press?

  • The following morning Braaz informed them that Vitt had been in a tizzy and they hurried over to the communications room to find an empty orb in the centre with a bluish gaseous liquid inside it. They then saw Vitt running around trying to push buttons and establish what was going on.
  • They calmed him down and persuaded him to sleep as he didn’t seem to have slept in days. He explained that no signals had been received as the communication kit was broken.
  • They got Ferloch to come and look at it and he informed everyone that it wasn’t broken but instead that there was no communication coming in, seemingly no White Wolves had been sending messages.

Pursuit of the Shag Pile

  • The party decided this was a problem for another time and made tracks to pursue the Shag Pile.
  • They set off and, thanks to Carnast who was leading them, they were able to make good time, but noticed they seemed to be being followed by a fox like creature.
  • They weren’t able to tempt it into the camp and eventually begun to get close to where they had gone, the shapechanger camp.
  • Carnast informed them that while some of the people he was tracking had headed into the camp, the main focus had skirted around the outside
  • It was at that point that the party heard a mighty, bovine roar from the centre of the camp where the main group appeared to have gone.
The Fulcrum
Report Date
02 May 2020

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