Neo Sim Geographic Location in Meta Man on Mars | World Anvil
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Neo Sim

When you first arrive at the truck docks you can't help being suprised that such a city exists among the smaller towns you've grown used to seeing. Buildings seem to grow as they approach the center of the city, culminating into huge skyscrapers you judge to be over a hundred floors tall.  
Population: 4.5million
Surface: 374km²
Government: Corporate Democracy

  Neo Sim was the first city on Mars and its third largest city. It is the largest city in the Wastes, located at its center, and the only city with a corporate democracy, where companies vote for their employees. It is named after the biologist Carson Simons, whose garden expanded into the city it is now.   The city is divided into six sectors;
0-Sector, also known as Center,
A-Sector, also known as Central,
B-Sector, also known as Baltimore,
C-Sector, also known as Carina,
D-Sector, also known as Delphinium,
E-Sector, also known as Ernst  


Center is the first or the penultimate sector to be contstructed. It is the smallest of the sectors, located at the center of the city. It started as a large garden where the city was built around but as the city became more popular and started to attract the wealthiest companies, it was redesigned into the place where the richest and largest people and companies resided. It's a beatiful place, a mix of rare nature and the tallest, lit skyscrappers. Access to this sector requires a citizens+ card, which is only extended to those who buy them, or a Komorebi visa. Everything here is extreemly expensive and of the highest class.   Notable Locations:
Center Garden
Josyfleur Art High
Club Med
Komorebi consulate  


Central is the considered the first sector to be established in Neo Sim, a collection of tall residental and commercial buildings surrounding the original garden that was 0-Sector. With its creation, the area really gained some semblence of a city. As time went on realestate in Central became more and more expensive, pushing residential buildings out in favor of larger companies. It is now known as the commercial district, accentuated by lower property costs for companies in the sector.   Notable Locations:
Presidential Tower
B.O.P.I. Headquarters
Neo Sim Career University
51st Dragoon Highschool
Procare Company Main Branch
Cross Cars and Motors Company Main Branch
LetsgoTech Company Main Branch
Roader Inc Main Branch
Smith Cattle Company Neo Sim Branch
Caseys Neo Sim Branch
Basilla consulate  


Baltimore or B-Sector, located south of the city, is the only sector that wasn't actively established but instead grew naturally as a result of increasing property costs in Central and workers looking for more affordable housing. Because of this, while technically part of the city, certain different rules apply to the sector, even going as far as having its own elected pseudo-mayor which residents of Baltimore get to vote on. The area is generally seen as a poorer area. Originally crime and drug abuse was high until the government stepped in and increased security by placing cameras all over the sector. This greatly reduced crime, at least gang related ones. Police authority is high here and more than once have accusations of abuse of power fallen on deaf ears. That doesn't mean all organised crime is gone from the sector though, criminals just became much smarter and politically active. Murder is rare but shady deals are not. As the other sectors grew, B-Sector more and more grew into the residental area for the poor and uneducated and while originally its residents used to mostly work in Central, now they mostly work in Baltimore itself. To its inhabitants life is harsh. The high costs of the city mean the people here are often lacking in the better necessities, corruption and power abuse run rampant and the negative views of the sector make job opportunities difficult. To those who manage to embrace life here, things aren't all bad. The city feels more alive compared to the other sectors. There is a greater sense of community among its residents and the sound of a community barbecue or live street music can often be heard from around the corner.   Notable Locations:
B-Sector Docks
Fort Mex
Saint Stadium
252nd Cookys Computer Store
Abandoned Territories  


Carina, more commenly C-Sector, located at the east of the city, was once again built as a reaction to Central's ever growing buildings and need for more employees but whereas Baltimore was a product of opportunistic businesspeople, Carina was commissioned by the city government on a budget. The houses are considered crap, because they are crap. Only the poorest people live here and in that, the expelled gangs of Baltimore found a better place to conduct their business, helped by the fact that the government doesn't seem to give a hoot. It is a bad place of abandoned buidlings, addicts looking for a fix and low level drug dealers fighting for territory. It is the only place where the illegal practice of prostitution and carrying firearms happen regularly. Carina has mostly been chalked up as a failure, a place of localised crime that hopefully doesn't spread to the rest of the city. This was made clear when private lobbyists managed to repeal a law that would place cameras all over the sector. For most people Carina is truly out of sigth out of mind. The ruling gangs are the Big Mom gang, the Dalton Brothers gang and the Oldboys gang.   Notable Locations:
Carina Docks
Molinos Bar  


Delphinium or D-Sector, located at the north of the city, grew in an attempt for people and businesses to distance themselves from Baltimore and Carina while avoiding the high costs of Central. Over time Delphinium grew into a cheaper, bustling business center for smaller businesses and with that it attracted many students in search of cheaper residence that wasn't associated with bad job opportunity. Because of this, Delphinium tends to have a very active night life, clubs, bars and parties are plentiful and people from all over the city often come here to relax and unwind. Even though the borders between Delphinium and Carina are pretty well regulated, high demand makes drugs a common occurance here. Young adults growing up in Ernst and studying in the city often flee to this sector.   Notable Locations:
Delphinium Docks
Men & Space Museum
Chrono Club
Wendys Flower Shop  


Ernst or E-Sector, located west of the city, was the last sector to be built and was a response to the growing wealth of the city. As companies became larger and richer, wealthy employees started to desire better, more affordable, housing compared to what was on offer. Ernst is the result of that, mildly expensive yet affordable, larger and better houses, Ernst is the picture of high-, middle-class. There is even a large lake with fish for those who want to fish, boat, swim or relax in the water. Ernst is heavily policed and has even more cameras than Baltimore.   Notable Locations:
Fred and Sons Tackle Shop

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