Agile Man Character in Meta Man on Mars | World Anvil
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Agile Man

Behind a red table sits a slender humanoid dressed in what can only be described as an elegant, black jestersuit shuffling a pack of cards. The mask smiles a soulless smile. "Ah, a visitor. Welcome. Do you play?"  
  The Agile Man is a bit of a misnomer as it isn't especially agile and certainly isn't a man. It's an Anima who assists and logs any visitors to the Clockwork Passage. In its hands or on the table is a deck of tarot cards, which it uses to play pensar and poker with guests aswell as give out fortunes which it is mildly adapt in.   The Little Man recieves its Garmonbozia from betting on cards and trading information which it does with good success. Its partner in the room is the Lady in Chains with which it has constant arguments about virtue.

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