Lady in Chains Character in Meta Man on Mars | World Anvil
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Lady in Chains

The figure exudes a gentle aura and seems to not even notice you standing in the room. You feel safe to approach and do so, only a meter away does it turn to you. "Let me help you be free from the darkness that shackles you." It smiles.  
  The Lady in Chains is an Anima and the second resident of the Clockwork Passage. The Lady in Chains was a name given to it by visitors, it actually has no name and is in no way and doesn't identify as a lady. Rumor has it it was once a human woman which explains its remarkable resemblance to a human woman but if it was, it has cast its humanity aside long ago.   It guides visitors of the Clockwork Passage to enlightenment and ascension, by helping visitors cast away their desires and emotions. It can't assume its true form because it is being punished.  
It once advised against enlightment to a human scholar that visited the Clockwork Passage and is thus punished to remain in human form due to the chains that bind it. It now advises on enlightenment and ascension as penitance. The Lady in Chains belongs to the faction of Angels.

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