Merrani Language in Meskou | World Anvil
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Ocean Speech

Written by Artgalles




It was born from the followers of Preeh who in secret patrolled the ocean currents avoiding Geheim's gaze. The language allowed them to commune in ways that they couldn't comprehend with their extensive library of knowledge and secrets.   The language then became adopted by the Mirran people as they led the purge against the dark practices of the Oblivion and their followers the Chinderin. It proved instrumental in this conquest by providing a means of communication that their enemies could not decipher, which is partially to blame for the language's crude design.   Upon the end of the purge, the books and literature of the Chinderins tonue Ahgrondani were burnt to leave only Merani to be spoken by the residents of the Merah and its neighbouring kingdoms.  


Its popularity dipped and shifted with each country's own languages, with the biggest impact coming from the Shesire Sovereignty which brought about the scholars language, Serenity, an even simpler language has been used my most scholars in different cultures. This left Merani to become associated with the poor, bandits and pirates who didn't have access to or the ability to learn the new language. However this gave the language its original role as a form of code to be used by a limited few who rebelled.  



It features 4 tenses, Past:
Refers to the events that have happened before the present point.
The current events that are taking place now.
The events that are still to come after the present point.
  Simultaneous: The events that are taking place in the past, present and future all at once. Often used when describing the actions of spirits or curses.

Sentence Structure

Merani uses a simple sentence structure for most of its sentences, with the norm being broken on occasion. Structure:
  • Subject
  • Verb 1
  • Time
  • Object
  • Manner
  • Verb 2
  • Place
  • Infinitive
A sentence such as "The deer is stabbed with a spear during the hunt during twilight deep within in the forest" would be "Deer / is hunted / during twilight / with a spear / that stabs/ within the forest" which translates to "Deir clare nicht speer cetcen hin pachur". In this example, an infinitive wasn't used on account of the structure being in the past tense.       The words match their respective position in the sentence, however one can be moved to the front and then the rest of the list follows as normal with the exception of the verbs remaining in their place, and an example would be putting an Object in the front.   Example:
  • Object
  • Verb 1
  • Subject
  • Time
  • Manner
  • Verb 2
  • Place
  • Infinitive
This can be done with most elements including the verbs, with the only exception being the infinitive.


92 Words.
Spoken by

Cover image: by Artgalles


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Jan 2, 2023 12:45

What is the origin of the language? You describe that it was useful because the others couldn't understand it, but is it a natural language, or a conlang that was made specifically that it couldn't be understood? How does it differ from the other languages that are spoken in the world?

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