Spell Catalysts Material in Merein | World Anvil
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Spell Catalysts

Spell Catalysts are materials found around the world that, when combined with magic and intent, can be used to structure a spell. These catalysts must be gathered and used as a spell casting focus, while a catalyst is used it replaces components that cost gold as well, in order to cast their inherent spell using them in this way also consumes them. When a catalyst is used the spell is cast at it's lowest level, regardless of the level of the spell slot that was used, and uses a spell slot as normal. The spell also counts as a spell of the caster's class regardless if it's on their class list. Casting a spell in this way also carries a small risk of rebound, when a spell is cast using a spell catalyst the caster must make a spellcasting ability check DC equal to 11 + the level of the spell slot used. On a failure the caster takes a Xd10 damage where X is equal to the level of the spell slot used in addition to casting the spell, the caster has disadvantage on concentrations checks from this damage.   Blood Leaf: A small sprout like plant that grows in the Holy Kingdom of Carvaan. This plant grows only three-four inches tall and is known for it's red splotches that cover the leaves that appear as if there was dried blood dripped onto them. When enough of these are gathered and a spellcaster channels their magic they can use them to cast Cure Wounds.  They are also a primary ingredient in healing potions.   Demon Rocks: Rocks about the size of a closed fist that run through with red veins. They are most commonly found in the plains of Arraako and in the cliffs of the Empire. The rocks are always slightly warmer than the air around them and prolonged contact with skin can lead to light burns. When one is used as a spell catalyst they can cast Burning Hands.   Angel Stones: Stones about the size of a closed fist that run through with blue veins.  They are most commonly found in the plains of Arraako and in the mountains of the Republic of Shraatz.  The stones are always cool to the touch.  When  one is used as a spell catalyst they can cast Frost Fingers.   Blessings: A small pure white weed that, when picked and preserved properly, can be used as a spell catalyst to cast Bless, when they are preserved incorrectly the spell catalyst casts Bane instead.  The process to preserve blessings weeds into a spell a catalyst for Bless is easy to mess up but processed correctly and incorrectly the bundles of blessings look extremely similar, which has lead to some unscrupulous merchants selling the the incorrectly preserved weeds regardless. Blessing can grow anywhere with no rhyme or reason and are resistant to being farmed, but there is one farm known in the Holy Kingdom of Carvaan.   More: There are many more spell catalysts, some which are widely known and others that are closely held secrets to certain orders across Merein

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