Regerdam Settlement in Meravia | World Anvil
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Regional Administration


High Governor

  The High Governor is the highest government official in Regerdam. Elected by the city's citizenry, he serves for eight years. In theory, the governor is an absolute ruler, as the office dates back to imperial times. However, times change, and today the council of commerce and business is a force, keeping him in check.   The governor cannot decide anything related to these two areas without a simple majority of the council. While this restricts his power in two of the most critical domains in administering the city, it is the only restriction laid upon him. The relationship with the council is a two-way street. While he requires approval, the council's initiatives require his signature to become law. Both are limited by the laws of the Republic, who breaks local law if any conflict comes up.   He remains the commander of the city's guard, although he traditionally delegates the task to the kolonel, the highest-ranking officer of the guard. In times of conflict or emergency, he may assume command, although it is not looked favorably upon if the governor did not have a military past.   As the elected leader of the city, he is also instrumental to any ceremonial events. For example, he offers the first sacrifice to the gods in a religious ceremony. He will speak first at any significant celebration. He also has the right to request a personal audience with the Stadtholder. The latter is meaningful, as an audience is a luxury, only the most prominent citizens' may demand.

Industry & Trade

A long tradition

  Originally a model colony of the Richardian Empire, the city of Regerdam was always meant to be an industrial hotspot. It was close to multiple significant iron and coal deposits. Planers of the original colony deemed it essential that it would be able to produce steel by itself, removing the burden of transporting the raw materials to the homeland.   Thus, the original plans already included an impressive industrial district. At its heart stood a massive forge complex, theoretically able to output more steel than any other Richardian colony of its time. Due to the initial success, subsequent governors continuously expanded industrial capacity. Where earlier the settlement had only been used to produce steel, later expansions added expansive smithies, producing weapons, farming equipment or jewelry. The local jewelry industry rose due to the discovery of multiple gold and gem deposits in relative proximity.   Its impressive wealth, steadfast defenses, and stable governance allowed Regerdam to survive the collapse of the old Richardian Empire. The downfall of Richardia, the former industrial metropolis, and capital, meant that the way was free for Regerdam to take its place. It did so and became the most important trading and industrial settlement for a few hundred years.   Even after the emergence of the Richardian Republic and the subjugation of Regerdam, it remained as one of the Republics most impressive industrial settlements.  

Current Situation

  Today, Regerdam produces a good third of all steel in the Republic. Its mighty forges and shipyards produce a fourth of all armaments of the Republic, making it the second most important city for any war effort. The jewelers of Regerdam are of worldwide renown. Merchants throughout the known world pride themselves in their stock of these jewels, which often sell for grand sums.   The majority of the city's produce is exported. While there is some steady demand for the goods inside, the sheer amount of steel could not be utilized by a single city. Due to this strategic weakness, the merchants and forge owners of Regerdam are among the most placatory voices of the Republic. They could not sustain a significant war for long without damaging their industry.   Despite its economic strength and incredible wealth, the city stands on hollow feet. Unlike Richardia, which can sustain itself through its agriculture, Regerdam is dependent on food imports. The countryside cannot support any agriculture of sufficient scale. The reason is that the mining operations for the past centuries have devastated it. Small patches of fertile land remain, although they are mostly used as parks or other recreational areas.  

An impressive example

  The De Vries Foundry is one of the more impressive metalworking businesses active in the city. Founded during the time of the Richardian Empire, it can look back on a millennium of experience and tradition.   In the city, it controls three forgeries, each the size of a small village, able to produce enough steel in a week to cover Regedams demand for a year. It owns twelve smithies who can manufacture enough weapons to arm an army of a thousand in four weeks. Additionally, its jewelers are some of the most famous of the known world.   While their industrial capacity may be impressive, it is essential to recognize that they are but one of many competitors. To understand the sheer scale of these implications is necessary to comprehend the industrial power of Regerdam.


To the east of Regerdam lies the Vredian Ocean, giving the city access to the global trading system and fishing. The latter is inefficient as of now, mostly due to being overused after centuries. Towards the north lie the Lankhorst mountains, preventing access to the city. Towards the west lie the mining plains, a collection of extensive mine networks. The same goes for the south, albeit that it is hills covered up by mines.   The river Reger flows from the Lankhorst mountains through the city and into the ocean. It is its primary water source and is routinely used to fill the great forges to ensure their continued productivity.   The city itself is a marble of Richardian engineering and architecture, making it quite beautiful. The beauty is not complete, as often the thick smoke coming from the forgeries blots out the sunlight. Even if the sky is clear, the surrounding countryside is more akin to a wasteland than the lush farmland it was before.
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

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