Ferbrands Archipelago Geographic Location in Meravia | World Anvil
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Ferbrands Archipelago


The Archipelago

  The Archipelago is located in the Feroxan Ocean, two hundred fifty kilometers of the shores of Pokorna, a kingdom subservient to the Rhendorian Empire. The archipelago is located only thirty kilometers south of the Biely stream, an ocean current bringing warmer water from the more tropical parts of the ocean. Due to this, the temperatures of the archipelago is constantly warm enough to allow farming throughout the year, despite other landmasses on its latitude experiencing quite severe winters.   The waters surrounding the archipelago are home to many different species of edible fish but lack any predators which could be able to threaten sentient beings taller than a dwarf. Although Neunau and Strühinsel are mere three kilometers apart, the water between the islands is always deep enough to allow any ship to pass-through.   The easy accessibility and its proximity to wealthy states predispose the archipelago to become a transit harbor for merchants and base of operations for military expeditions into the surrounding states. This quality makes the archipelago particularly appealing for the trading empires of the Richardians and Uphratians, who both established small settlements on some of the islands. The original claimant and formal owner, the Rhendorian Empire, demanded that both should abandon their settlements. It goes without saying that both refused.  

The Islands



  The northernmost island of the three, Maasgein is more tropical than the others. Dominated by one continuous forest, only divided by several smaller rivers, it is almost unpassable. Unlike the others, it is void of any elevation, making it particularly dangerous in the case of a flood. Despite its unpassable nature, its lack of any particularly interesting features is well documented and regularly attracts explorers and scientists who seek to determine the reason for this peculiarity.   Home to many exotic plants and animals somehow limited to this one, its beauty is the subject of many art pieces and serves as a source of exotic pets and plants to nearby collectors.  


  A volcano dominates Strühinsel, the largest of the three islands. It is the center of a small mountain range, reaching two hundred meters at its highest point. The volcano itself is inactive, however, earlier eruptions have covered the islands in fertile ash, making it the most fertile island of the three. Two small rivers originate in the mountains, which carry enough freshwater to sustain any agricultural ambitions. The steep mountains and freshwater supply allow the construction of an almost impenetrable fortress. This opportunity was used by the Rhendorian Empire at the height of its power. Due to this presence, it is the only island still firmly in their grasp.   The beauty of the steep mountains, combined with the crystal clear water and fields filled with brimming life makes the island a sight to behold.  


  Perhaps the most fascinating of the three islands, Neunau is not much of a landmass. Although it is technically the second largest island, most of it is a lake. At the slimmest point, only sixty meters separate the lake from the ocean. An artificial island was built at the center of the lake, atop of it a small palace, at the time it was a prestige project by the then emperor but is only a crumbling ruin nowadays.   The combination of a wonderful lake, shining in an eerie green in the night, combined with the crumbling palace at the center is a miraculous sight to behold and strikes an impressive balance between unsettling and otherworldly beauty.

Fauna & Flora

The Archipelago

  The waters surrounding the archipelago are home to many different species of edible fish. Luckily, they lack predators able to endanger anything taller than a dwarf. However, smaller sentients are not in danger because they are prey. Instead, the Maulfisch mistakes them for his primary prey, the Kupferschling.   Extensive coral reefs cover the ground, providing food and shelter to some of the smaller fish. Both the fish and parts of the corals are valuable pieces in any collection, which gave rise to smaller merchant operations dedicated to collecting them.   The Maulfisch is the biggest creature inhabiting the waters for most of the year. It loses this honor for two months in the middle of the year. Then, the Hüttenhai utilizes the water as a mating ground. During this time traversing the waters becomes dangerous as the mating ritual is extreme. A mating Hüttenhai can crush a decent-sized cog by accident.  

The Islands



  While many explorers made attempts to understand the islands densely packed flora and fauna, none were successful. Reasons for this are both its tropical and inaccessible nature, as well as its dangerous wildlife. Beings such as the deadly parping can easily swallow entire humans whole. Even worse, they are masters in hiding under the dense bushwork covering the ground or the swamps which make up around three-tenths of the forest.   Despite the danger associated with the inner parts of the forest, the outer regions are a source of tropical fruit, plants, and animals to be sold at the great cities near the archipelago.  


  Thanks to the formerly active volcano the island is remarkably fertile and is home to various notable estates, growing exotic goods such as silk, tea, and cocoa. In an attempt to protect both estates and the workers, the natural predators were wiped out. While initially successful, the island now suffers from imported animals not being controlled in growth.   Due to these actions, the original ecology was replaced by an imported one entirely. An exception to this tragedy is the western side of the island. The mountain range separates it from the rest, making it inaccessible. Additionally, it is not as fertile as the rest of the island. Due to these reasons, it was left alone, making it the only part of the island where the original ecology is still intact.  


  The lake at the center of Neunau may be one of the more interesting natural occurrences. Be it the variety of exotic fish found nowhere else, the mysterious algae at the bottom, combined with some minor coral formations. The most interesting species found in the lake is perhaps the Leuchtalge. During the day it looks like regular algae, but at night it begins to shine in a green light, which lets the water radiate in an eerie green.   Why the plant glows at night remains a mystery. Despite its unclear nature, it is a famous export of the archipelago. As such, it is part of many gardens, both in the empire, as well as the republics.   The part of the island not covered by the lake is made up of lush pastures, used by the local herbivores like the lehmakas.
Alternative Name(s)
The three Isles, Sabatani's Archipelago

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