Amastasius Character in Mediterra | World Anvil
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Amastasius was once master of the University of life and magic during the reigning days of Poznan. During the cataclysm that threw Poznan into the heavens, the university ended up below ground. Amastasius became one with the magical artefact that the university contained: The Fountain of Life. Through this, Amastasius transformed into a greater Arcanir as he shedded his mortal form. Once The university fell back into the material plane, the magical creatures continued to subsist on the magical energies released by Amastasius, keeping the ecosystem intact.   Kurnosus and Barbus took a unit into the isladn of Hippocrateus which contained the university to take Amastasius' powers and bring the arcana to Heraclon. Tertio IX intervened, but the damage was done. Amastasius slowly decayed. Knowing that his fate was sealed, Amastasius asked Syzina  to carry his soul fragment with him so that a new purpose for his latent magical energies can be found before he would inevitably expire. He was placed and bound to Syzina's staff, which became the Voice of the Lake.   Amastasius has devoted his entire life to studying healing magic. While barely conscious as a bound soulstone, his will and capabilities as a healer manifest.



Magical Item (Vital)

Towards Syzina




Wielder (Vital)

Towards Amastasius



Age: 132468
Gender: Male
Race: Poznar turned Arcanir
Status: Decaying, soulstone inside the Voice of the Lake
"My fate is sealed, but my potential remains. I ask this final favour, use my soul well. Allow me to bless this world one final time."
-Amastasius after being
reduced to a Soulstone

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