Nullstone Material in Medias | World Anvil
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This jet black stone is found is a rare, but valued find within the Father's Spine mountains, known to only be found in the Wrennt mines of Irondale. To most, this stone is not special. It is not especially hard, or especially pretty. It does not gleam when shined or polished, no matter what is done to it, this stone remains dull. It is not especially heavy or, light. It is not specked, fragile, or hearty. The only thing that a normal person coming near it would notice, was that the world somehow got...more quiet.


Material Characteristics

Nullstone is a stone with a dull black color, found in veins like a metal. It has the same weight variations as a condensed stone would.

Physical & Chemical Properties

This stone draws in magical energies, not unlike a sponge sucking up water, through the effect if more skin to a black hole. The size of the stone increases the area of effect. In single-use energies, the effect is entirely nullified. In constant enchantments, the effects fade while in the effected area, and should the persistent enchantment remain in the area of Nullstone for a long period, these enchantments too will fade.

Geology & Geography

Nullstone is found only, so far as has been discovered, in the the Wrennt mines in the province of Irondale, in northeastern Ghenna, within the Father's Spine mountain range.

History & Usage


Nullstone was discovered, and thought to be a nusance, in the mines of what was at the time, the noble house of Wrennt, somewhere in the final years of the Magic Age. At the time it was a small black rock that was removed from the mines in order to allow enchanted torches to light the depths without having to worry about smoke. This rock was found to disrupt the enchantments. It wasn't until Red-Eye's Rebellion that nullstone started to be mined of its own accord, used in defense of Irondale during the war to guard against enemy magic. Since, Nullstone has been closely monitored, guarded, and all but hoarded by Ghenna, who see it used as a guard against magic in various environments. Most major cities have blocks of within the outer walls, Nullstone marbles are used in the training of mages before they learn control, and nullstone rods are occasionally used in the apprehension of criminal mages by the guard and Inquisition. It is now deemed too valuable to risk in many wars and its trade is strictly controlled.
Dull Black

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