Leo Character in Matchitehew | World Anvil
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Lord Leo Fangs (a.k.a. Alpha)

A hero for the village, and would proffer if the village remained away from the others, but must trade in order to grow and gain good weapons and tools

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Body structure is small for a werewolf, but is otherwise is heathy, he has ok speed and agility

Body Features

Fur along the skin (Not everywhere) has fluffy tail and ears.

Facial Features

Has dog like face, kind of wolf like, although has humanlike features

Physical quirks

His tail is always waging when he talks and is not angree

Special abilities

Wolf like senses and slightly increased strength

Apparel & Accessories

normally will wear a jacket and some kind of scarf

Specialized Equipment

Best at using hidden claws and teeth, but is also skilled at using swords.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

After being born under the full moon Leo was constantly being pushed into leardership roals, even if he didnt want to. Later he met Shad , leader of The Assassins and was given an Artifact called the Artifact of Darkness , which now influences his choices into being more corrupt and evil, evenly after the death of the previse Lord, Leo took over and id slowly preparing to take over the territory just over the mountain side choices

Gender Identity

he, him, his




Combat training, leadership work, farming

Accomplishments & Achievements

Successfully growing as a village

Failures & Embarrassments

Trusting Shad and accepting the Artifact that now influences him

Mental Trauma

After, being attacked by a cut animal when he was little, he is now supper scared of anything that is cut

Morality & Philosophy

Now, because of the Artifact his goal is to Concore as much territory and to make the wolfs the over arching Alfas of the world

Personality Characteristics


By the desirer to be the over arching ruler and the wolfs to be number one.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good at designing and art, terrible at building and destroying

Likes & Dislikes

like scary things, hates cut things

Virtues & Personality perks

Has good agility and is good at close combat

Vices & Personality flaws

Terrible at long range combat and thinking everything all the way through.

Personality Quirks

Only stops moving his tail in sleep and when he is not happy


Contacts & Relations

Has a aliance with Mountan men.

Social Aptitude

He offten seems a bit shy, but can be verry persasive



Ally (Important)

Towards Igron




Ally (Important)

Towards Leo




Ever since they realized that it would be benefitable to have an alliance and trade agreement the two villages have helped each other out. But there is tension considering they each think there better than the other.

Relationship Reasoning

To benefit both villages economies

Legal Status


Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of the Wolf Tribe, Alpha
Year of Birth
108 21 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
He was born under the full moon, and that means that this person will grow to be a well respected individual
Wolf tribe
Current Residence
Wolf tribe
medum, brown eyes
short sleek, night black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white, hairy
63.8 inches
184 lb
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The light has failed our world.... Only the darkest will survive."
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Wolf English
Ruled Locations

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