Rain People Species in MasterClass World | World Anvil
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Rain People

Basic Information


Some Rain people have an extra set of limbs placed below and slightly behind their arms. These appendages are extremely flexible. They can rotate almost a full 360 degrees at the base. They can fold in on themselves completely. They end in a paddle shape with an opposable thumb. This psudo-hand can bend 180 degrees at the “wrist” and the thumb can do the same. Unbeknownst to the Rain people, this trait comes from historic interbreeding with the Mesa people.
Rain people are humanoid with exceptionally long fingers. Their fingers can be anywhere from 4-6 inches long and some groups have webs stretching in between their fingers below the first knuckle. These webs are very thin and not completely opaque. They have many nerves running through them but little to no blood vessels. These webs used to allow them to carry more water in their hands but since the advent of cups and buckets are now irrelevant and have shrunken.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Rain people have a spoken as well as written language. The written language is largely pictographic and used mainly as a form of recorded history. Rain people can make a large variety of sounds including snarling, roaring, hissing, and growling. Generally, such sounds are used to demonstrate anger or pain, but can also represent victory or celebration.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Often, especially during festivals and special occasions, the Rain people decorate themselves with paint, makeup, and temporary tattoos. These are normally in bright colors such as blue, red, yellow, purple, or rich black. Permanent tattoos are not normally applied as the Rain people see markings as a definition of who you are - much like how animals are identified by their fur color and patterns - therefore getting a permanent tattoo is seen as saying "I will never not be this." Because of this permanent tattoos often represent life-changing moments such as the loss of a parent, sibling, or spouse. (Note: getting a tattoo representing the death of a spouse signifies a resolve not to marry again.) Other reasons to get a permanent tattoo include assuming a position in the community such as a ropemaker, a (insert word for religious official), or a gatherer. Normally tattoos regarding professions are not related to positions that will expire or be passed on such as hunter, leader, watchman, mother. Circle tattoos, often placed on the forehead, are only used on the dead. This signifies the completion of a life cycle, they were dead before they were born and they are now dead again.   When a couple wishes to marry they announce their intention then the parents of the couple and the (insert word for religious official) escort the couple to the Union trees. These trees have the handprints of all the married couples in recorded history. (If your handprints are not on the tree you are not married.) If there is space at eye level then it is the forest's will that the couple marries. They will dip their hands in colored paint - color choice is up to the couple just not black - and put their handprints, slightly overlapping, on the tree. Many superstitions and old-wife's-tales surround the process and how the tree grows afterward in regards to the success of the marriage. Such as if the tree grows so that more than a hand's with is between the handprints then the marriage will wither and die. If the hands are too close to another pair of handprints then the marriage will be tense and full of turmoil, but if later the handprints grow away from the others then the marriage will become joyful and less stressed. If you want to get a divorce you and your spouse must climb the tree(together) and scrub off the handprints. (This encourages many couples to try to work it out and gives an opportunity to talk and resolve conflict while they are scrubbing.) If someone dies then their spouse - or the spouse's child, if they are too old - has to climb the tree and place a black handprint over the overlapping part of the handprint. Adultery is seen as breaking the sacred bond and defying the forest's will and is not tolerated.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Sand people are fond of the bright colors of the forest and will buy feathers, carvings, paint, and other pieces of Rain culture to put in their homes. The Rain people don't enjoy the Sand people doing this but some Sand people are willing to trade/pay expensive prices so it is an easy way to get rich or to ease hard times.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Rain people come in many shades ranging from dark brown to a light oak color. Children have light brown or white stripe patterns until about 10 years old.

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