Memoria Geographic Location in Markaz Alkoon | World Anvil
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Written by Blijagow

Memoria is the continent to the far north isolated from much else. A land of ice and freezing wind. The only resource that anybody cares about in Memoria is the plethora of diamonds in the diamond mines.


There is water that flows despite there being ice all around. The continent is a vast landscape with a lot of snow, ice, and hardend beasts. The rivers are fresh water. It is said to be a beautiful view if you don't mind the vast nothingness of the tundra.


The animals that live here are hardened by the endless winter. They feed on whatever presents itself, and any cities that want to last, knows to put up walls to prevent major losses. Most beasts will eat plants if they come across them, but most animals on Memoria prefer meat.

Ecosystem Cycles

This continent is a victim of the endless winter.

Localized Phenomena

Incredible snow storms, and weird events caused by titan blood.

Natural Resources



Adventurers, and people looking to make a fortune off of the resource rich unexplored continent.
Alternative Name(s)
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Owning Organization
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