Aleuzla Settlement in Markaz Alkoon | World Anvil
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The capital city of the continent of Memoria. This city will have most things that travellers and adventurers might need to endure the cold wastes. It is the only hub city on the entire continent. Most humanoids stop here and go no further into Memoria.


There is one Dragon Queen with her Brood. The mate comes around sparingly. Fantasy Races of all kinds are gathered by the dragons to serve peacefully under their rule. Dragonborn are the slave arms of the dragons.


The Celestial Dragon Alliance rules these lands. Dragonborn are the dragons personal slaves and use them as guards and anything that they would like to extend themselves through.


The defenses are strong considering the fact that Aleuzla is a walled port city.

Industry & Trade

Lots of fishing here along with mining colonies for the diamonds nearby in the mountains.


Infastructure is meant to serve the Dragon Overlords, but is also made convenient for most humanoids. The city is a port city on this continent. The city is the largest port and one of the few on the continent of Memoria. The city is also walled on the outside.


Blacksmith, bakery, produce stands, fish markets, magic shops, potion shops, inns, taverns, brothels. A wizard under the rule of the dragons lives here as a dragonborn slave.

Guilds and Factions

There is a small thieves guild where you can sell stolen goods. There is a mercenary guild where anybody can take some contracts to make some extra cash for a little work.


The dragons had brought the dwarves and (if they were willing to cooperate) cyclopes first, being some of the best with stone work and craftsmen. They built the city in 55 years and it has lasted since with normal upkeep.


People looking for riches come here, since it is a frozen continent. This makes living here hard.


Lots and lots of stone, due to dragons being around. Things that dragons are inhabiting are made much larger for the Queen.


This city is located on a port with the frozen sea to the south.

Natural Resources

Some forests, many diamonds in the mines, stones, and ice.


  • Aleuzla
    The map of the city of Aleuzla.
Founding Date
1st Era 2555
Alternative Name(s)
Ice Heart's Port, The Entrance to Oblivion,
80,000 sentient creatures
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
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Owning Organization
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