Wraiths of the Shadow Organization in Maret | World Anvil
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Wraiths of the Shadow

Wraiths of the Shadow is a thieves guild. It's quite old, and the miniscule faction has an excellent reputation, and is motivated by money. They are against the current political regime.
It's ruled by Seti-nakht, who was able to rise to power by completing an ordeal. He is reasonably competent, and his position is relatively unstable due to internal power struggles. Bribes depend on circumstances.

Members of Wraiths of the Shadow are identifiable by a dagger given to ever member. Membership requires a display of skill, and costs three hundred gold pieces, provided there's an empty slot. The initiation into Wraiths of the Shadow involves a secret task.

They have limitless resources. One or two valuable magical weapons are jealously guarded, as are a handful of magic scrolls, one or two old favours, a handful of magical trinkets, and a handful of blackmail material.

Wraiths of the Shadow have barely any allies; A guild of assassins are the only others they can rely on. Wraiths of the Shadow have barely any rivals; A guild of commoners are the enemies of Wraiths of the Shadow.
Guild, Thieves
Alternative Names
The Wraiths

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