Genusir Geographic Location in Maret | World Anvil
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Genusir (jen-noo-SEER)

Localized Phenomena

When lightning hits the sands of the Kukheris Desert, something magical happens. The Library has ascertained that the combination of minerals in the sand leads to a surprising reaction that forms crystals containing varying amounts of energy from the lightning strike. This has led to experiments on ways to utilise and harness the energy in the crystals, from powering various machines and crafts, to being ground into a powder for use in a new type of weaponry. Some more nefarious types are even synthesising a drug from it and testing it on the populous.


Genusir has a lot of history that brings people from far and wide to see it. From tours of old tombs belonging to the pharaohs of ages past, to the remains of the ancient cities they ruled over, and even the opportunity to go treasure-hunting for the more adventurous types. There is much to see and do across the region. For the more sedentary folks, there are oases, bazaars, and markets to visit, food to try, and sights to see. One could take a caravan out to one of the many night markets and spend some time browsing the wares, or rent some duneskippers and take them out for guided tours out into the sands.
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