Mint Fermata Character in Mardlo-Arias | World Anvil
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Mint Fermata

Mint Fermata early on knew he wanted to go out and explore the world, he just never he wouldn't make past the next town over. Growing up he was always the first outside and the last back in running to and from everywhere he could. Those around him always spoke about how he ran so much that he'd never be able to settle down.   He works in a shop that buys from his family's farm and helps run their packages around town. Originally taking this job after his grandfather suggested it as a way to get out into the world but not so far he couldn't visit his mother from time to time. He was overjoyed at the idea of new people and places for him to see and his mother happy he wasn't going too far. He jumped on it and was gone by the next week, quickly learning the best routes through town to get to places quicker.   His dreams of exploring the world ended one day when he ran into Louise Barkton, knocking both onto the ground. His world shrunk so quickly and so suddenly he could only stare at the girl who had totally and completely taken his heart. He would spend the next few months purposefully taking routes that would have him crossing paths with her or by where she lived. She was thankfully just as head over heels with him as he was with her, though her family was not happy with this. Often they would get in the way of the two indirectly, till a very loud encounter with Louise ended that nonsense. He now brings her along when he goes to visit his family back home.   Though Mint always wanted to leave and explore, he values his family and makes a point of keeping an eye out for things he thinks they might like and brings them home. And ever since his run in with Louise, he's even more intent on supporting his siblings passions.
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