Flute of the White Stag Item in Mardlo-Arias | World Anvil
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Flute of the White Stag

A gift from the Spirit of the White Stag. This flute represents the force and power of the White Stag and its place within the Great Rhythm of nature.  
Yarrow was told by the Stag to play the flute to show that they are part of each other. To signal to other spirits that Yarrow is among them. Also it will show things that are present that are not from this natural world. Things that have primordial forces or have been touched by them will glow or resonate when the flute is played as well as things from other planes. The Stag's powers are that of the natural world of Mardlo-Arias. Anything that isn't part of the Rhythm will be singled out.   1 Action - Duration Instantaneous - Nature spirits will be calmed. Anything not part of the Great Rhythm of Mardlo-Arias will either glow or resonate. Both effects only happen while the flute is being played.

White Stag

If one attunes to the flute it will grant them the bravery of nature and the touch of the Fey. A creature attuned to this item cannot be charmed or frightened. However, while attuned, the creature's touch tarnishes metal and clouds gems making them lose value in the market and ruining their beauty.  


If one attunes to the flute it will grant them the strength and constitution of the Treants. A creature attuned to this item cannot be poisoned or take poison damage. However, while attuned, the creature's speed is reduced by 5ft. and they have disadvantage on dexterity saving throws. Oakheart If one attunes to the flute it will grant them the dexterity and speed of the birds. A creature attuned to this item has resistance to Bludgeoning, Slashing, and Piercing damage from non magical sources and your speed is increased by 5ft. However, while attuned, the creature is vulnerable to poison.
Item type
Unique Artifact

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