Cairith, the Resolute Character in Mardlo-Arias | World Anvil
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Cairith, the Resolute

An Amaranthine of vigor and strength, Cairith is the patron spirit of the cervans. The energy that Cairith oversees is the cause of slow, steady growth and longevity. In living beings, this force manifests as the ability to run, jump, grow, and become strong. Ancient forests, where plants cover the trees and giant beasts are endowed with the intelligence to speak, are seen as signs of Cairith’s blessing. Cairith teaches that adversity brings strength, but his teachings differ from those of Altus. Altus encourages his followers to seek out challenges, where Cairith sees life itself as a perpetual struggle. The true test of survival is always against oneself and one’s own limits. By persevering in spite of these limits, Cairith counsels his adherents to triumph over the forces of death. This struggle must one day end, of course, and so the followers of Cairith seek to honor the daily triumphs of life as they happen. An existence is considered well-spent if it was lived unflinchingly, even in the face of sorrows and hardships. Cairith adamantly opposes necromancy as those made undead truly cannot appreciate life’s struggles. Cairith is described as a mighty stag with antlers covered in moss and flowering vines. He is massively tall, and wherever he walks plants sprout from the earth. Where others see a tangle of vegetation, Cairith sees the plan of nature unfolding. All cervans profess a kinship to Cairith. But rather than claiming him as a direct ancestor, he is seen as a guardian spirit. Some say he was the first to be born from the land when the Dawnmother gave Everden life. Cairith guided the first cervans, and blessed them with many gifts so that they might survive in the primitive forest. One of these gifts, the power of The Sight, is attributed to Cairith. Certain cervans are gifted with The Sight, and this allows them to glimpse events that have occurred in the past, present, and future. Cairith finds reverence among rangers, druids, healers, and community leaders. Paladins invoke his dogma to give heart to those they defend. Cervan diviners gifted with the Sight call upon Cairith in their rituals. Cairith also has many followers among common people, especially humblefolk who have suffered hardships.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

A pair of white antlers wrapped in flowering vines

Tenets of Faith

The way of nature is growth. Let nothing stifle you, and you will flourish.
Divine Classification

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