The Cambria Walking Scrolls Document in M.A.P.S. | World Anvil
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The Cambria Walking Scrolls

Found almost perfectly preserved in an ancient version of a crystal clousure during the excavation of the Stone and Ruins city, The Cambria Walking Scrolls seem to be the continent's first travelogue.  It was written in a more curved, brush stroke language and form of writing than what contemporaries used, and this has led to some confusion when trying to decipher the Scrolls.     The document is still in the process of being translated at the University at Gardinya Lyra, but the document seems to tell of the traveler who walked the entire length of the border mountains, following the line of what would become the Great Signal Wall, and then followed the Great TurkisBlau River.  There seemed to be arguments by scholars over whether the account was finished (why was it put in a safe place to be preserved if it wasn't finished) versus the scholars who are interested in the fact that the ending just seems to stop in the middle of a sentence.


The Cambria Walking Scrolls tell the tale of a traveler whose identity is unknown to us.  That traveler shared a detailed account of his travels walking the Great Mountain Range.  There is evidence that this traveler was writing the document as a guide to other travelers, as it is filled with curious advice on what trails to take, where to find food and shelter along the way, and how to act with the local tribes encountered.      There seems to be evidence in these documents of a mountain people that have either not survived to the modern day or have relocated to a place we know nothing about.  The tales mention settlements, some of relatively great population, that archeologists have only found the slightest of ruins in their place.     The most complete and easily translated section of the document is about the travels through the mountains, and many archeologists and scholars have used these as a guide to retrace the traveler's steps and find evidence of past civilizations. The Hidden Cave Paintings were found with the help of the Scrolls. It is a common misconception that the Fae were the only people ever on the continent, but this document throws that thought into suspicious disbelief.
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Aug 21, 2022 22:55

Great read, makes one want to learn more about the scrolls