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The Stone Cellar

The Stone Cellar

  Beneath The Bandolier Brothers Headquarters in Barlizzar is a secret sublevel, a basement below the basement which they use for underground storage. It is in this place that the Brotherhood houses those it deems enemies in need of containment.   The rooms are crafted of smooth grey stone expertly cut by master artisans. There are a number of special cells which have been lined with lead and other more exotic materials to prevent extra-dimensional escape among other things. These cells are generally reserved for special prisoners after the brothers realized they had need for just such containment cells. Perhaps the strangest cell currently is one lined with Blue Ice walls to maintaina frigid temperature and thus keep a being of liquid metal cooled to a point where they are unable to squeeze through any cracks in the wall, or indeed to move at all.   For the rank and file prisoners however, a more simple solution is used: Trained Cockatrices are utilized to petrify prisoners of the Brotherhood. This method serves a number of purposes:
  • Reducing the overhead cost - Maintaining a prison requires less guards and a petrified prisoner does not need food, water, or excercise.
  • Increasing the efficiency of space - A person made into a statue does not need a cell in most cases and it is very easy to stack stone statues in a smaller space.
  • Enhanced Security - A prisoner which is turned into an immobile stone statue has zero chance to escape, and can still be interacted with via a number of mental means.

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