Riverlands Geographic Location in Magic and Mysteries | World Anvil
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  The Riverlands is home to the Halflings, but with their adventurous nature they are spread all over the world. The region borders the Wildlands, over the mountain range lives the Hill Dwarfs and beneath the mountains the Mountain Dwarfs.   The region is very peaceful with few dangers and many delights.  


  The Riverlands is tucked between a mountain range and the ocean, and it's one of the most lush and fertile regions. The fertile soil is due to the remains of volcanic soil, and the amount of rain the region receives. The many rivers carry minerals form the mountains down to the already fertile lowlands and runs into the ocean. The cold ocean streams is what makes this region feel cooler than others, this makes the region more temperate than others.  

Fauna & Flora

  The entire region is heavily forested and plants grow everywhere, only a few places isn't overgrown. This is one of the only places you'll find evergreens and they are abundant here. Ferns are also very abundant as they grow thick in most forests, they lay as a blanket over the forest bed. Keep an eye out for those ferns because some ferns aren't as friendly as others, some are strangle ferns these ferns are carnivorous plants who are known to be able to even trap and kill deer. Many healthy and nutritious mushrooms grow in the Riverlands too, almost all fungus here are edible only a few will give you a fever and even fever will kill you. Many young Halflings are taught the differences between these mushrooms, mostly which not to eat.  

Natural Resources

  The Riverlands has very few natural predators, but with wild sheep wolves are foxes do come. The regions highest export is wool and woolen goods, many major cities order high quality wool from Halfling cities.  

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