Winged Aasimar Ethnicity in Lyanore | World Anvil
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Winged Aasimar

Winged Aasimar come from a very specific lineage as is detailed in the myth of The Angel and the Philosopher. They never had a societal place, but many were scouts for the army, hunters, and other jobs requiring visibility. As is obvious, these Aasimar can fly about as quickly as they can walk. Consequentially, they are naturally agile and have improved sight in normal lighting.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Any Aasimar name.

Masculine names

Any Aasimar name.

Unisex names

Any Aasimar name.

Family names

Many Winged Aasimar are born with other Aasimarian surnames but take Sopos (which means "the Wise") to honour their Patriarch.

Other names

Some Winged Aasimar take Antigonos (from the Ancestor) as a title to represent their Patriarch.


Common Myths and Legends

Scientific Name: Asum Novus, Shelos
Parent ethnicities
Encompassed species

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