Crimson Decay Condition in Luthara | World Anvil

Crimson Decay

First spotted near the end of the second age and associated with dwarves and other minors who dug deep underground. This, along with the demon incursion, contributed to digging being taboo since the third age. That being said it is found today in the interior of the small island continent of Arsto and the island countinent of Atarat, which are far away from eachother. Additionally, the forbidden Ocean on which Atarat is found, is believed to have pockets of the sickness. Some think it is the result of magic and others think it is some kind of curse.
The effects of the sickenss manifests in the following ways:
  • Red eyes
  • Bleeding gums
  • Loss of hair and finger nails
  • Odd growths
  • Extreme weightloss
  • Birth Mutations
  • Lessions

Atarat became known for this sickness somewhere in late 3rd age after massive wars between factations of the Atatarat people. Arsto was also at war during the early years of the 4th age but they have stated that much of the sickenss seemed to be a result of their speciality war machines built with lost artificer techniques. They have abandoned such 'technology' in favor of divine and druidic magics since then, mostly sailing the archepelogy of the Ariesta Expanse. They have learned to treat this condition to some degree at their temples.
Those that are unfamiliur with the condition often confuse it with some kind of zombie state that does not respond to normal turn or control undead spells. There are some people that think that the condition can even be spread by contact with the blood leading to victims being killed in ignorant areas.


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