Abyssal Entity Species in Lush Caves | World Anvil
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Abyssal Entity

Abyssal Entities are mysterious carnivorous creatures that live primarily in the Nameless Island of @ and in the Northern End. They are extremely dangerous and must be avoided at all costs.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

Abyssal entities are carnivorous: they can and will eat any kind of meat, including that of humans, hybrids, and even their fellow entities.


They are extremely hostile towards everything that moves. These entities will not hesitate to hunt and kill anything that passes through their line of sight.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All Abyssal Entities have extremely heightened sensory capabilities, ranging from infrared vision to high sensitivity to touch. What capabilities they have, however, depends on their type.
Average Height
0.5-4 meters
Average Weight
1-800 kg
Average Length
0.3-6 meters
Geographic Distribution

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