Dr. Xander Kain Character in Luiverse | World Anvil
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Dr. Xander Kain

The Monstrous Genius

Doctor Death
Nemesis - Never Present

Stoic and Apathic
To understand the Supernatural creatures, who he sees as the key to mankind's next evolution. And use that to evolve humanity in the food chain.
He has been recruited by the Second Inquisition to lead their operations in Noxtton
A brilliant, if unorthodox, Doctor of psychology and biology, Dr. Xander Kain is a master in his fields, a visionary who seeks to understand and control the world around him, all for the betterment of mankind.


Born and raised in Noxtton, Xander Kain was always apart from his peers, if you can call them such, even as a child. His mother, Julia, died giving birth to him, and that forever changed his outlook in life. Xander was gifted and graduated at the age of 10 from college. At the age of 17 he was working at Caduceus Pharmaceuticals but his supervisors died in freak accidents before he returned to Noxtton to pursue an academic career. Two years later he acquired a staff position at Noxtton University as the Deacon of Psychology in the Medicine School, with even a personal laboratory to test his new unorthodox methods of "healing". But it all changed when he encountered the Supernatural.

  After writing his new paper for academic magazines, he had an encounter with Vampires, specifically of Clan Tremere, who had a firm stranglehold on the University. While the vampire that he encountered tried to control the good doctor, his mental fortitude, alongside his then nascent Psychic might drove the creature back. Xander became fascinated by them and their biology, well obsessed is a better term for it, and began his investigations into this predator of man, and his newfound powers, diverting research funds to his pet projects.

  Unfortunately for the good doctor he was found out by the university staff, with a little help from the Tremere, which resulted in his expulsion from the NU and ridicule from the academic community. But he was not deterred, only more focused now that he didn't have anything else holding him back. He landed a job as the psychiatrist of Stillwater Penitentiary, the Maximum Security Facility of the city, mostly because no one else wanted the job, and no one batted an eye if an inmate "desapeares". The doctor used his status in the prison so as to conduct his experiments, using the inmates as guinea pigs, a behavior that soon earned him the nickname "Doctor Death", spoken in whispers behind his back.


    • Genius Level Intellect
    • Tactical Analysis
    • Hand-to-Hand Combat (Basic)
    • Psychic Powers (
    • Biology
    • Psychology
Current Status
Leading the Second Inquisition in Noxtton
Current Location
Current Residence
Stillwater Penitentiary
Dark Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
6'0 ft
120 lbs
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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