Chromatic Protests | Conflict & Protests | Lothrea

Chromatic Protests

This article is depicting a potential future of this world. Some events in here might not have happened yet and will be changed by the actions of the players involved in this world. Until these campaigns have concluded, this article will exist in a superposition between existance and non-existance.   Some version of this article will survive, but who knows what it will be when all of this is over
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This article will be expanded upon in the future

Those people back then were heroes. They stood up for themselves and people even less fortunate - and they did all of that without violence. We should take them as an example and as a great inspiration for our own cause.
The Chromatic Protests where a series of peaceful protests in the early 860s in Okodranous. In the years prior, the Council of Thirteen had raised the taxes - especially in the poorer districts of the city, and people became more and more discontent with the situation.   In the beginning of 862, the first graffitis and caricatures appeared within the city, criticising the government and upper class. Over the course of over a year, more and more people joined the protests. In the night of the 14th of Highsun 863, the protests culminated in the harbour takeover and guard rebellion.   After that, the city was forced to make major concessions to the protesters. Taxes were reduced greatly, and worker rights legislations was put in place. Since then the Harbour Festival reminds of these peaceful protests, and provide a stage for the artists of Okodranous to openly criticize the politics of the city.  


The Beginning

During the early morning hours of the 7th of Lightglow 862, the first graffitis appeared in the city, taunting various politicians and important people. About a dozen of these caricatures were painted on walls all over the city, one even to the side of the Garrison of Okodranous.   The city was quick to react, removing the graffitis within the first couple hours of the day, but not before thousands of people had already seen them.   Over the next couple of weeks, this process repeated. More and more graffitis appeared during the night, and the City Watch tried to remove all of them as quickly as possible, which became increasingly difficult.
Graffiti depicting important person in
by Satrium with Midjourney
Graffiti taunting Franklin Morris, High Curator of Okodranous at the time.

The First Arrests

These images are a disgrace to this beautiful city! It's vandalism, and those responsible have to be brought to justice. We can't have people destroy the property of innocent citizens with these atrocities!
Franklin Morris
Within the first month, the City Watch expanded their nightly patrols and arrested the first members of the Chroma Colors - a name the protesters have given themselves. To frighten off the protesters, punishments were high. Many of these first arrests never left prison until the end of the protests over a year later.   These arrests didn't have the outcome the city had hoped for. Instead of scaring of the protesters, it encouraged them to get even more creative. Instead of only painting walls, they now included many other forms of art in their protests, including the arcane. From animated graffitis, over enchanted statues that sang songs taunting the elite, to massive illusions floating above the city - the creativity of the protestors was nearly endless.  

The first Demonstration

Over two months after the first images, in the evening of the 13th of Highsun 862, the first open demonstration of the protests happened in the harbour. Hundreds of people came together, peacefully protesting, with music and illusions filling the area.  
This was the first sign of what was to come. These people didn't hurt anybody or posed a danger to anything - except to the position of the elites in their fancy houses. For the first time in decades, they felt their power being threatened. This was one of the darkest moments in the history of this city - but there was also a glimmer of hope hidden deep within it.
  This was the first open protest within the city for decades, and the leadership of Okodranous overreacted. The City Watch intervened and forcefully broke up the demonstration. Over 100 people were arrested, 197 people injured and 26 even died in the chaos that broke out.   This broke the spirit of many protesters. While countless people still sympathised with the Chroma Colors, not many were willing to risk their health and freedom for the cause anymore.  

A glimmer is enough

While many people lost hope in the cause, some took this as an incentive to continue on. Hurt and without resources, the remaining members of the Chroma Colors had to rebuild. Graffitis across the city became less frequent, and many people believed the rebellion will just dwindle and die out - but it never did.   Still, it took over nine months, until the Chroma Colors did their next big event. In the early morning of the 2nd of Dawnrise the next year, a group of musicians set up concerts across the city - moving from place to place, before the City Watch ever got a chance to intervene.  
<Just imagine some song text here - it will come later>

The Silent Guard Rebellion

The rebellion picked up more and more speed again, and within a couple of months was back to its former strength. Countless graffitis, illusions and songs appeared all over the city again.   In an attempt to stop the rebellion in its tracks once again, the Council of Thirteen ordered the City Watch to forcefully shut it down - even with violence if necessary. Though, at this time, many of the guards sympathized with the protestors already and silently refused the order - making it look like they were just not able to deal with the protest, while in reality actively looking away from it.   When the Council of Thirteen noticed the ineffectiveness of the City Guard, they hired mercenaries to help and shut down the protests, which proved successful for a while.  

The Harbour Takeover

The entire protests cumulated on the 14th of Highsun, when the Chroma Colors and many more protesters peacefully occupied the harbour area, completely shutting down the trade of the city. The Council of Thirteen immediately ordered the City Watch and the mercenary to clean the harbour by any means possible - but Adrian Thompson refused, ordering his man to stand down and stop the mercenaries from engaging the protesters.  
At that point, I had enough. This was a powder keg just waiting to blow up in our faces. If we stepped in there, we would have caused a bloodbath and maybe even a civil war. I didn't become the Watch Commander to use violence on innocent protesters, so I ordered my man to stand down, and I'm standing by this decision - even if it did cost me my position in the end.
Adrian Thompson - Watch Commander
  This refusal by the Watch Commander and the whole City Watch brought the whole conflict to a standstill. It took five days until the protesters and city officials reached an agreement, and the protestors disbanded peacefully.  


After the harbour takeover, the city had to make major concessions to the protesters. They reduced the taxes in the poor districts back and enacted various worker rights laws. Franklin Morris stepped down as the High Curator of Okodranous. During the first open election in centuries, Fenris Silvermoon was elected as the new High Curator.   As one of his first acts, Fenris established the Harbour Festival by law - allowing the artists of the city a time and place to voice their criticisms without fear of repercussions.
Work in Progress

This article is still heavily WIP and can change at any moment

Conflict Type
Start Date
7th of Lightglow 862
Ending Date
14th of Highsun 863

Cover image: by Satrium with Midjourney


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Jul 15, 2023 10:58 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This is such a great conflict article. You did a really good job explaining the causes and stages of the conflict.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Jul 17, 2023 08:15

Thank you! Glad you liked it

Worldember is coming! Want to find more of my things: SatriumHub
Aug 7, 2023 03:10 by Rashkavar

Excellent discussion of the conflict - perfect balance between being thorough enough to properly explain everything without overexplaining and becoming dry.

Aug 13, 2023 15:50

Thank you! Glad you liked it :)

Worldember is coming! Want to find more of my things: SatriumHub