Purple Wizards Organization in Lothlonde | World Anvil
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Purple Wizards

The Purple Wizards are an elite group of War Wizards (wizards trained in the art of war and combat). Theodoric Timeforge is the most famous and notable wizard in the organisation at current (primarily due to his last name) and serves as one of the organisations, four leaders. The others are widely unknown to the world and they keep it that way.   Members of the Purple Wizards are trained to use powerful defensive magic (abjuration) balanced with offensive magic (evocation) and quick swordplay. Some are considered to follow a path similar to an Eldritch Knight (those favouring swordplay) while most fall into the path of a War Wizard.   In recent years, the Purple Wizards have clashed with the Rose Circle resulting in vast magical duels that devastate the surroundings, apparently, this is over magical artefacts.

The best defence is a strong offence.

Military Order

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