Hillbus Barneshot Character in Lothlonde | World Anvil
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Hillbus Barneshot

Hillbus Barneshot is a halfling hunter who works in and around the Fallcrest region. He recently lost his hunting friends when on the hunt for a Gorgon. He survived and now seeks vengeance on the creature. He is aware of the two old ladies, which he suspects are witches, living in the Spurting Forest. He has some knowledge of the Dragonrend Mountains and is aware of the Orc Tribe that live there.
  Hillbus works for the Ebonhoods as a point of first contact and a job provider. He knows that the Ebonhoods have a base of locations at the Ebony Shaft. He is waiting to be contacted by a dwarf to provide instructions for a new job, in the form of a sealed letter.

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