Highcrest Ruins Settlement in Lothlonde | World Anvil
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Highcrest Ruins

The Ruins of Highcrest are the ancient and ruined remains of the once-great city of Highcrest that rivalled Neminster in its grandeur. The ruins lay in the bottom of a disfigured crater, with its own cliffs and deep sinkholes that harbour various remains of the city deep underground. Above the ruins live a pair of Chimera that are in conflict with a large tribe of Goblins called the Highcrestians led by a Hobgoblin Warlord called King Orpheus Highcrest, a fat Hobgoblin well versed in the history of the city and region who likes to pretend he is the king he has read about in his books reincarnated. Below the ruins deep within the sinkholes are numerous other dangers, some sinkholes of which breach in the Underdark. Agamora is one such danger who keeps the lore scroll Ulfric Oathsworn is looking for. Boneback the Fomorian has a small lair here as he plots to fight against the creature the forced him upward.

Highcrest was destroyed a long time ago.


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