Carol & Sally Character in Lothlonde | World Anvil
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Carol & Sally

Cackling Carol and Sickly Sally are two Hag sisters living inside a hollowed out tree in the Spurting Forest. Carol often likes to play the old lady to manipulate outsiders into doing her bidding, however Sally prefers to kill and eat outsiders sooner rather than later, often not bothering to hold up her illusion.
  The sisters work alongside Blackroot as advisers and his eyes and ears regarding Fallcrest. The sisters have taken Eliza (Missing Child) to transform her into a Hag. In secret, they left her at Mussel's doorstep after devouring a new-born babe and giving birth to Eliza. Eliza is now of age and is ready to go through the ritual required to transform her into the third Hag sister, in doing so the sisters can become a coven and increase their power within the Fallcrest region significantly. Blackroot aids them by covering the forest with his magical mist, allowing them to plot in secret.

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