Blackroot Character in Lothlonde | World Anvil
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Blackroot is a powerful Tree Blight who has lived in the Spurting Forest for eons. Over his long lifespan, he has twisted and bent the Spurting Forest to his whims, producing a litter of Blights and is also the cause for the forests infamous blood coloured sap. Over the past 6 months, Blackroot has been plotting with his allies, the Hag sisters, to spread his roots deep into Fallcrest and take control of the city, turning its people into his slaves.
  Blackroot is the cause of the magical mist that has appeared over the forest, the mist was gradual and appears to be a natural occurrence to the people of Fallcrest despite its magical properties, which hasn't been widely acknowledged. The mist is an ongoing ritual spell that he maintains, as part of his partnership with the sisters, destroying him would dispel this spell over a period of a few days. This would also destroy the lesser blights and corruption afflicting the forest itself. The drawback of this spell and the corruption surrounding the forest is that he cannot move as he has deeply rooted himself within the soil.

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