Great Trial Era GT in Lost Arcana of Gia | World Anvil
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Great Trial Era GT

0-2,000 (2,000 Years) Very little is known about the day-to-day life of the first era of society, as only a few books have survived time, natural disasters, or purposeful destruction. Such writings are now preserved in private vaults or under the care of the Keepers of Lore. However, it is known the first era was a time of unimaginative growth in the schools of arcana and mechanical marvels, amplified by the direct intervention of the Primes, the physical manifestation of the four core elemental planes.
  By their hand, the Elder Races of Human, Dragonborn, Elf, and Gnome were created, each given a continent of their own to thrive under their Prime’s watchful eye. As a result, each developed its own culture, tradition, and even schools of magic that resound in their livelihood today. The next portion outlines the specifics of each Prime and their efforts in creating their best take on a mortal.
  The Water Prime On the continent of Telsmir, the Water Prime bestowed her essence of fluidity and strength, and from the waters rose the Human race. This Prime sought to unburden her creations from the mundane survival task, providing all that was required to sustain life with minimal effort. Even with short and fragile lives, her designs thrived, eager to expand across the continent and create ever-expanding settlements to accommodate their growth.
  The Humans first took to the oceans on enchanted vessels, their curiosity and wanderlust constantly pushing the boundaries of the pact. Humans’ fluidity and ingenuity created the magical schools of divination and transmutation.
  The Earth Prime On the continent of Irragin, the Earth-Prime sought a different approach to observe and advise to see the capabilities of its creation. So he invested his inventiveness, adaptability, and ingenuity into his creations, and from the vines rose the Gnomes. Creating the seeds of nature, Earth Prime instilled respect for natural order with creativity in every approach toward advancement. Thus the overarching culture of balance was formed as the Gnomes sought to live with nature and not dominate it.
  The Gnomes proved to be master craftsmen, flowing the magical lay lines of Gia into their creations. Cities were filled with great arcane machines, each aspect of life more accessible or exciting through creativity. The arcane manifests in all ways, but the Gnomes refined and mastered the schools of Abjuration and Illusion.
  The Air Prime On the continent of Aerilon, the Air Prime found its sanctuary, a place to shelter its creations. The Prime bestowed its strong will, cunning, and desire to connect with her creations and placed the breath of life into the Elves. While it was intended to be an immortal race, the Prime faced heartache as the creations could not handle eternity, although their years were long. The Air Prime directly infused its essence into the Elven race, granting a connection unmatched by all other races.
  The Elven race is attributed to the discovery of transference, bestowing magical properties on a mundane object. The Elves harnessed and refined the schools of enchantment and conjuration through life-long practices and heavy reliance on their deity.
  The Fire Prime On the continent of Doloran, the Fire Prime poured desire and strength into his creations, and from the fire rose the Dragonborn. Clinging to the desire to be treated as a God, the Prime ruled over his creations, placing them in servitude and breeding strength through hardships. Within the elite, the Prime infused his own essence allowing for almost unlimited arcane abilities and forging the path to the first archmages.
  A fierce race, the Dragonborn sought to dominate all things, which extended to death itself. As the population grew, emboldened by their warrior spirit, so did conflict, actions which the Fire Prime relished. The arcane schools of evocation and necromancy were refined and mastered from their struggles and ambitions.
  The Trials Concludes At the peak of civilization, the Primes selected their vanguards and brought each to the neutral continent of Zeto. It is still being determined how long the trials lasted. Still, history annotates this time as the first convergence of cultures as entire generations were born together. It is theorized that some experienced birth and death on Zeto, never seeing their birth continents and creating new cultural norms and behaviors.
  As integration occurred beneath the shelter of the Zeto Mountain range, out on the fields of Zeto, intense trails commenced displaying the achievements of the four elder races. As no clear winner was emerging, it was ultimately understood that the achievement was not that of the creations but that of the creators who resided with them. In a last effort to declare a winner, the trial concluded with the first war, whose scars are still visible today. Yet, a growing unity movement emerged as death poured into the land. The races were no longer strangers. They sought to grow together.
  Standing in awe of their creation’s insight and wisdom, the unbreakable pact was concluded with no winner but the natural progression of socieital evolution.
  winner declared. Instead, the Primes lifted the boundaries of exploration, seeking to nurture the fires of cultural integration and transferring those who wished to return to their home continent.
  After the failed trials, the Primes departed the material plane, leaving a fragment of themselves to tether between the realms. In the capable hands of the Genasi, the Primes placed the task of continued worship and dedication. They created great shrines of power to house each fragment built on the seams of creation magic.
  The Primes would continue to provide the power to maintain balance on Gia from a distance, vowing to never physically return to the planet unless the planet’s fate were in jeopardy.
  The Ancient Six
  Changed Forever… After the Prime’s departure, the Keeper of the Shards maintained their duties for countless generations, teaching the ways to all those that wished to learn. The shrines were maintained as holy sites and often enhanced to accommodate worship. However, when the Primes departed, those who hoped for a more visible deity had to seek it elsewhere. Without the Prime’s shield from the rest of the material plane, it was not long before the Gods discovered Gia. This led to the birth of the Pantheon and the beginning of a new era. An era categorized by its exploration and integration of all races of Gia.

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