Choosing a Setting in Lost Arcana of Gia | World Anvil
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Choosing a Setting

Gia consists of seven continents, each designed with a unique style to provide an adventurer with a setting that best suits any style. Due to difficulty in sea travel and high-level arcane abilities such as teleportation, continents have developed into self-contained ecosystems, each having a unique feel based on its history. The following outlines the overarching theme for each continent with an in-depth look found in individual continents later in this guide. The seven continents are as follows:   Aerilon Aerilon is for seasoned adventurers who wish to focus on survival in a snowy tundra. It has one settlement making an intimate setting with frequent contacts and the ability to impact a region directly. Choose this continent if the players seek to keep track of dangerous weather conditions and supplies or go long stretches without safety.   Doloran Characterized as a haunted or cursed continent, choose this setting to focus on the supernatural or horror theme. Teaming with the undead, spirits, werewolves, or vampires, the ruins and dense forest can hide nefarious and mystical secrets. Doloran also features the location of the Battle of the Cleanse and the mighty Dragonborn Duthdar Empire, who fight to keep their culture alive.   Irragin For inventors, tinkerers, or a steampunk feel, the birthplace of the gnomes host a wide array of mechanical and arcane-infused marvels that can spark imagination and innovation. In addition, Irragin features an improved road system allowing fast travel between settlements, all encompassed by a dense cold jungle that had reclaimed all manner of things left when the population went underground.   Nearon This continent reflects a high-fantasy atmosphere, featuring bestial races and the mysterious Elven city, which produces the best enchantments on the planet. An adventure will allow players to experience the height of arcana followed by the drastic lack outside their fey-infused boundaries. Outside this forest, a more primitive society is prevalent, with disputes settled with fists and items bartered, not sold.   Telsmir Ruled by the King and Queen of Seashire, Telsmir resembles a medieval setting with arcane-driven upgrades that remain from the first humans. The staggering Jagged Mountains possess foul beasts that attempt to harm citizens, while the Guardians of the Vale launch offenses against the Seashire Army, seeking to end the rule of the Kingdom and turn Telsmir back over to its people. Telsmir presents the opportunity for a more classic adventure.

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