Age of Amplification MION in Lost Arcana of Gia | World Anvil
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Age of Amplification MION

6,600 - 8,100 (1,500 Years) Without warning or explanation, a second sun suddenly appeared in the sky in a flash of light that blinded all those who looked into the heavens. The dwarf star, roughly 1/8 of the existing star Geon, appeared stationary in the sky, unaffected by the gravitational pull of its much larger counterpart. Furthermore, the presence of the star did not raise the planet’s temperature, seemingly having no effect on the planet’s natural rhythms. However, the arrival of the blue star amplified the innate arcane abilities within the population, created magically-infused stones along creation fault lines, and would be the suspected cause of the rise of Titans.
  The age of amplification is defined by arcane advancements and the experimentation by practicians to push the boundaries of the known, bordering on bringing the imagination into reality. Feats that seemed impossible became mundane. Society achieved the mass transportation of cities, creating Arcanus the first flying city, and crafting spells and artifacts that simply can not be replicated in the modern eras. Despite the previous ambitions, societies focused on advancing the arcane revolving around all activities around the months Gia was closest to the new sun. The Day of Arcana, no longer celebrated, marked Gia’s nearest point to Mion. This apex of magical energies allowed the lifting of Arcanus but also marked the day the Titans broke arose to ravage the lands and the seas.
  Arcanus The only flying city of Gia, Arcanus, was the height of arcane potential. Housing significant siphoning engines, the city ran off potential arcana of the planet and citizens alike. Yet, untethered, the city hosts a civilization of magical exploration, a safe place to push all limits without fear of reprisal. From birth to death, all boundaries were broken, reality itself bending to those with the will to wield it.
  The city was not without its faults. In its wake, it left lethargic casters and the weakening of artifacts and works. It was branded the “city of thieves” who took the essence of magic without reprisal, all in the name of selfish ambition. In the wake of this sentiment, one of the oldest organizations was formed, the Magi.
  The Magi fought against the city’s effect on the land causing real change and allowing a loose harmony as Arcanus laid its course to prevent these transgressions. The Magi also fought against the politicization of magic instead of seeking ways to improve a world seemingly without boundaries. Though far from perfect, the city possessed the height of magical power, a power that was required when the first Titan rose from the sea.
  Age of Titans 1,000 - 1,200 Mion From mountains, valleys, lakes, and oceans, the beast emerged one by one, wreaking havoc on everything. Each, impossibly immense with blue burning runes across their bodies, seemed to target large population areas, leaving in their wake a clean slate for nature to reclaim. There are many theories about the arrival of this beast, although no credible evidence has been established. Some believed the city of Arcanus was waging war against the terrestrial, demonstrating their superiority. Some believe Gia was fighting against a bulging population that sought to devour its natural resources. Finally, some thought the Old Gods were waging a way against The Eight as Gia had forgotten its creators and now seemed to centralize worship on the New Gods.
  Whatever the reason, the Titans brought together the mightiest of heroes across Gia, all banding together to prevent annihilation. The battles forged the Shadow Walkers. These global ranger guilds remain to this day, continuing their mission, if only on a smaller scale. It also cast new light on the Magi branding them as saviors of the planet over pure academics as they waged war against all foul beasts. This rebranding paved the way for the Magi to become the stable of magical advancement and application, earning them a seat on all councils and spearheading all major magical decisions for eras.
  For two hundred years, war scorched Gia, the Titans destroying and the Titans falling. Entire cities were lost, and whole cities were constructed to protect the living or to honor the dead. With the defeat of Nuren, the flying sea serpent, in 1,201 Mion, the war against the Titans was declared over. However, calling it a victory was out of reach. Sightings of sea titans remain, although they now fall into the realm of seas shanties and myths meant to frighten children. It is a fool that does not keep an eye on the horizon for the return of the titans, the large swell of water that proceeds certain death

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