Adrelaide Palace Building / Landmark in Lorewick | World Anvil
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Adrelaide Palace

Purpose / Function

The Adrelaide Palace was created to house the rulers of Mordesent, creating a symbol of power for the people of the city. It holds prisons, the royal court, and the condensing of all the lords in the realm.

Contents & Furnishings

In the throne room of the castle is the royal throne, adorned with gold and jewels. At the base of this throne, however, is the first stone. The first stone was used in the construction of Adrelaide's first stone fortress and has been used as a sign of the legitimacy of all subsequent rulers of Mordesent: being coronated at the foot of the throne with the first stone.


Originally nothing more than a wooden structure on a hill, over the last centuries the castle has been rebuilt to be almost impenetrable. With the rise of the


In 231, the Mordesent King and founder of his dynasty Porigad the Navigator. It was originally built to house the vast collection of Vitrian literature that proved his legitimacy to the empire. It took only 40 days with the help of only 100 men to construct it, according to legend. Scholars debate these numbers.   The 475 fire: during a riot over the increased price of bread, lord Berkel was sent to take control of the situation, he was kicked off his horse by a stay adventurer and his torch flew into a keg of gun powder, causing an explosion and subsequent fires.   The most notable siege it faced came in the year 440, during the Thorns War. Duke Algernon was about to take the city when the legendary heroes Ren and Velda arrived with an army in support of their king Numinek of the Druidfist dynasty.   The city was once again under siege during the end of the Crowfoot rebellion. The future King of the dynasty Lu Crowfoot won by convincing the kitchen staff to poison the king after 3 years.
Founding Date
Owning Organization


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