Mai Character in Lonely Night | World Anvil
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Mai Nga Hoa

Mai is a secretary that works for Zelus at Ironwing law and co offices. She often encourages Zelus to take breaks and spend time with his family. Mai also babysat Nyx often, causing them to have a close relationship. After he and Pandora got divorced, Zelus began dating Mai. They eventually got married and had 3 kids, fulfilling Zelus's dream of having 7 kids.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Short purple ao dai with black pencil skirt, pantyhose black heels, pearl earrings.(Formal) Burgundy button up sweater, tight fitting blue pants, black slippers, pearl necklace.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mai was born in Vietnam and lived there for most of her childhood. In the 1960s, the Twilight government ran a program that allowed children from poor, developing countries to study at Twilight and get a well-paying Job. Mai's parents signed her up for that program when she was a teenager. She became a Judicial Assistant and worked at Eisenflugel and Co with Zelus. When she first came along, Pandora immediately became Jealous, and was horrible to Mai whenever they encountered each other. Pandora would constantly accuse Zelus of cheating on her with Mai because Mai had natural beauty, was hardworking and a very good cook. Years later, they got divorced and Zelus married Mai.   Eventually, they had 3 kids, 2 sons and a daughter, Zeke, Huyen and Erastus. They lived seemingly normal childhoods, Nyx and the others would come over a lot so they knew they had older siblings. When Pandora found out, she had a mental breakdown and was mad.


Mai was a part of the Twilight International Opportunity program, where she moved to Neu Roseburg and studied law. She studied at Rosewood University, same school as Zelus.


Mai worked as a Judicial assistant and as Zelus's personal assistant at Eisenflugel and Co. After she had kids, Zelus made it so she could do work remotely and only come in for trials and the such. Other than that, Mai was a stay-at-home mom and regularly helped out at Blackmeadow Farms.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Signing up for the Twilight Program, becoming a Judicial Assistant and most importantly, marrying Zelus. When Mai first met Zelus, she was very much in love with him, but put her feelings aside out of respect for his marriage. After Raven ran away and Nyx was sent to live with her grandparents, Zelus slept at the office and Mai decided to try winning or stealing Zelus from Pandora via treating him with respect and more, she even got involved in his relationship with his kids. She was the one who suggested Zelus goes home for more than a day, and made it so he would have time to spend with his parents. It all worked out in the end, and Mai likes to think that she won Zelus over, naturally, I.E without trying hard and being kind to him.




Towards Mai



Personal Assistant

Towards Zelus


Date of Birth
May 7
Dark brown
long black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
English, Vietnamese

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