Pythone's Reach Geographic Location in Liturgy of Steel | World Anvil
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Pythone's Reach

Far to the north and near the edge of the known world there is a great caldera high above a plateau. The fields that stretch out many miles beneath it are dotted with fissure vents and volcanic cones. The air is thick with ash and poison gas, leaving it inhospitable to nearly all life but the draconids. 232,000 years ago, the first dragons under Pythone, arrived here in an event called The Breach. Beneath the caldera itself lies the site of the First Spur, where Pythone itself resided.  

Recent History

  While the dragons are assumed by most to have left the Breach millennia ago, the lava-scarred fields and mountains are still very much inhabited by wyverns, drakes and warring bands of skarn. The First Spur is rumoured to contain awesome treasures; towers of gold as tall as the mountains, precious gems said to come from a thousand worlds outside our own, beautiful ornate weapons enchanted with powers to fell empires and gods and ancient tomes containing forbidden knowledge.
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