Lite system Pseudocellular Era
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Pseudocellular Era

Era beginning/end

Year 950,000,000 to 1,500,000,000

Most life still exists as molecule and organelle lineages in fluctuating states of competition and symbiosis with each other. However, together they exhibit much more distinctly cell-like qualities. More primitive biological chemistry has been outcompeted by the start of this era. By the end of this era some true cellular organisms have evolved.   Mid-Late Primordial Eon
----> Pseudocellular Era

Over the course of this era the two separate domains of life (the "ferra" and the "capsula") become more distinguished from each other in form, habitat and properties. Each domain diversified into many different species.   Capsula are most often found in symbioses that resemble a cell with a fluid fatty bi-layer membrane and organelles working together to maintain equilibrium and growth. Although organelles usually have separate lineages, over the course of the era most tend to become increasingly dependent upon each other for their respective cell type, that from division until death they are more like one whole organism.   Ferra followed a trend towards greater thermal resistance and using isolation of toxic and metallic compounds and elements for building their structure, which can often be fused colonies. They evolved towards cell wall rigidity and stability, with only a few evolving a more fluid cell membrane. Like the capsula they start in the era more like organelle symbioses and by the end of the era they have fused into single or multi cell species.  

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