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Sleepy Saoirse

Saoirse D'arcy (a.k.a. Sleepy, Zero)

Sleepy Saoirse, usually just called Saoirse, is the Mundane timeline counterpart of Zero. She currently shares a body with Daoirse.   Her fursona is a harbor seal/dog mix.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Saoirse lived an incredibly normal life, and she was content to keep it that way. However, for years she had some sort of supernatural connection to Zero that caused them to share dreams. This connection became much more solid when Bakii ripped her out of her timeline and into the same one as Zero.   Once Daoirse ceded control of her body, Saoirse became the primary occupant for most of the time. Previously this was a four-legged form, but in 2020 she shifted into a bipedal werewolf as it is healthier for the long term. Once Daoirse took back control, she shifted back into a human shape.   In 2021, Saoirse figured out that her connection with Daoirse and Zero is in part due to her ability to communicate and manipulate souls. It is thought that she developed this ability after several years of training herself to perform lucid dreaming.

Gender Identity

She's not quite sure...




Saoirse holds a BSc in Chemistry and a minor in Theater, both of which she earned from UC Berkeley. In college, she was consistently a B-student. Unlike Zero and Daoirse, she actually completed her schoolwork instead of earning the degrees on a technicality.


In her own timeline, she worked as a pharmacist in training. Now that she's trapped in another world, she is unemployed.

Mental Trauma

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Due to a combination of social difficulties, sibling bullying, and not wanting to live with severe anxiety, Saoirse has has multiple suicide attempts. (Zero and Daoirse share one with her that occurred during early high school.) She is not entirely sure she wants to be alive.
While she didn't survive an apocalpyse, Saoirse has had no shortage of trouble. Yet all of this trouble has been incredibly mundane — bullying, academic stress, and financial pressures.

Intellectual Characteristics

She's not stupid, but she is sleepy so often that it does have a serious effect on her ability to function and think clearly without the aid of tea or coffee. She's a bit more bookish than either Zero or Daoirse because she finds more joy in them than she does social events.

Morality & Philosophy

Sleepy Saoirse is a democratic socialist. She does not hate anarchists or anarchism, but she thinks it's too unrealistic.

Personality Characteristics


Saoirse has almost no motivation beyond trying to cheer up Lydia. She is interested in her bizarre dreams, but at the same time fears what she'll learn about herself if she asks Zero about them.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She is actually quite the chef, rarely having the money to go out with her friends (and when she does go out, it's usually just to a bar). Saoirse also has a knack for organic chemistry, but this rarely comes up in day-to-day life.

Likes & Dislikes

Oh my god! I'm Atomface "Guracs" Denseclaw! I'm my first OC from my post-apocalyptic storyline! I'm adorable!
— Saoirse, upon becoming a dog
  Although she is a self-described slut for bangers and mash, Saoirse eats very cheaply and usually has ramen at least once a day. Ramen is now a comfort food to her, and she likes to come up all sorts of variations on it. However, her favorite meal is actually an aberration of a food product -- chopped up steak fries and fried cod sandwiched between two slices of pizza and washed down with cheap beer. Every time she eats it, she feels like death, a feeling she has come to welcome.   Pastels are her favorite color scheme, and she loves to decorate everything she can in pastels.   Saoirse is a furry and is delighted that she transformed into one of her OCs. However, she doesn't trust housecats. It's not strong enough to call it a phobia, but she is VERY cautious around them after being attacked by a cat once.   Kids make her uncomfortable. She doesn't hate them but she is terrified of having them in her responsibility.   Like Zero and Daoirse, she hates running. Unlike them, she forces herself to do it every so often in an attempt to improve her mental health. One exercise she does enjoy is surfing, as its less competitive than water polo (which she did on an intramural level in college before nearly getting her eyes clawed out).

Vices & Personality flaws

If she doesn't have a creative outlet, she tends to just sort of laze around the house taking naps. This is how she currently lives with Lydia, as a matter of fact, because dogs can't act.


Religious Views

Saoirse is agnostic-leaning-atheist.

Social Aptitude

Although quite nervy and a little bit afraid of everybody, Saoirse does like to make friends, although she has a tendency to be a bit of a doormat should they try to take advantage of her. She does not have anger issues. Her self-depreciating sense of humor tends to win people over, but sometimes she goes too far and makes people uncomfortable.


While inhabiting Daoirse's body, her voice is very low, as she does not bother to compensate for the damaged vocal chords of that body. Her accent is slightly Americanized compared to that of Zero.



Malice timeline counterpart

Towards Sleepy Saoirse



Sleepy Saoirse

Mundane timeline counterpart

Towards Daoirse




The two of them were forced into the same body by Bakii. While they initially hated each other and constantly struggled for power, they have since reached an understanding.

Sleepy Saoirse

Mundane timeline counterpart

Towards Zero



Main timeline counterpart

Towards Sleepy Saoirse



Prior to Bakii's meddling, the two were completely ignorant of each other, but sometimes shared dreams.

Relationship Reasoning

Zero sees Sleepy Saoirse as an overwhelmed but somewhat naive version of herself. While frustrated by Sleepy Saoirse's lack of ambition, she is mostly sympathetic.   Sleepy Saoirse is terrified of Zero (and Daoirse) because the tiny tidbits of their memory that she has seen has taught her that she capable of all sorts of questionable acts to save her own hide.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both of them lean socialist. Sleepy Saoirse toes the social democrat/democratic socialist line, while Zero is an anarchist, but they share enough political views for this to not really cause friction between them.

Date of Birth
May 26, 1996
Year of Birth
19960526 250175 Years old
Galway, Co Galway, Ireland
she/her or they/them
Brown, wavy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5'5" (own body)
70 kg (own body)
Quotes & Catchphrases
I'm here, I'm queer, I'm full of fear!
Known Languages
  • English (fluent)
  • Spanish (fluent)
  • French (almost fluent)
  • Irish (intermediate)

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